
If you find yourself wondering what happened when, look no further than the Crop Report Archive. We’ve compiled past reports, listing the most recent first. You can search by Region, Month, or Reporter to find information.

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Region 3
06/16/2023, Woodford and McLean
Karen Corrigan

Conditions change field to field depending on root establishment and moisture. Traveled through eastern Iowa this week and hills look really rough. Armyworm is taking out corn, soybeans and wheat in that area also. Iowa was also dry last year.

Region 5
Doug Gucker

My area is dry, but cool nights and cloudy or hazy days are helping to keep stress on the lower end. Corn fields are in growth stage V6 to V10+ for the majority. Corn height is shorter than normal. Soybeans fields vary from V4 to R1 and are shorter then usual. Area wheat fields are looking good with leaf leaves clean and green with harvest getting close.

Region 3
Russ Higgins

In Northeast Illinois fortunate farmers and farms received measurable rain, those that didn’t continue to watch their crops struggle in drought conditions. While most are familiar with a corn plants defense mechanism of leaf wrapping to lessen moisture loss, soy has defense mechanisms as well. Under moisture limited conditions or excessive temperature, soybean plants will flip over their leaves. This exposes their silvery-green underside which reflects more light. This process can reduce temperature stress for the plant until it experiences more favorable conditions. Even under stress, I noted the first flowers on Soy plants this week. While our preference is to have a stress-free growing season, stress during the vegetative stages of both corn and soy are less likely to have yield impacts when compared to the reproductive stages if conditions improve. Scouting V10 corn, I noted an insect egg mass on an upper leaf hatching nymphs. What did I find? Confirmed by Dr. Nick Seiter, University of Illinois entomologist, as Stink bugs.

Region 6
Kelly Robertson

Wheat harvest has started. Yield reports have been very good but moisture is inconsistent. Most who are harvesting are drying their wheat. Replanting is all but done. However most of the replanting on soybeans have the seed sitting in dry soil. There is good soil moisture in many fields below 3 inches. Low humidity is really playing havoc with the crop. Corn is uneven and ranges from lime green to dark green, in the same field and even between rows across most fields. In worked fields we are seeing floppy corn even with 2 inch planting depth due to roots having little to hold on to in the loose dry soil. With the lack of moisture crop damage is way up this year with a lot of deer and turkey damage. Reports of over 30 head of deer in some bean fields picking them clean at night. Some have replanted beans 3 times due to deer damage.

Region 3
06/14/2023, Iroquois
Stephanie Porter

This field has now shown yellowing or K deficiency in large areas for this year and two years ago in corn. Very, dry which only enhances the K deficiency symptoms. No other fields in the area showing symptoms. No spring N was applied at or near planting. We plan to investigate further.

Region 2
06/13/2023, Mercer
Kelsey Litchfield

Rain in the forecast this past weekend got our hopes up, but Mother Nature let us down again. Rain gauge registered less than tenth of an inch. Hoping it rains soon.

Region 4
06/13/2023, Cass
David Wessel

3 to 8 tenths of precipitation in June so far. From 3 different rain events. Most crops are showing some stress in the afternoons Irrigations are putting on 1 to 1.5 inches per week. Dry land sand is about done in. Wheat harvest is a week away.

Region 6
06/12/2023, Richland
Matt Herman

Very dry and slight crop stress until yesterdays rainfall. Crops are more relaxed now and I anticipate some rapid growth this week.

Region 5
06/10/2023, Champaign
Kris Ehler

At this point it’s becoming a broken record of leading off with drought conditions. Plants have slowed their growth and corn is rolling. Soybeans wanted to shift gears into the rapid growth stage, but will be limited in dry areas. Carryover in soybeans continues to show up.

Region 4
06/10/2023, Montgomery
Stephanie Porter

Corn will reach tassel in 1 to 2 weeks. Soybeans will reach R3 in 1 to 2 weeks. Japanese beetles are moving in on field edges. Post herbicide applications have taken place in soybeans.