
If you find yourself wondering what happened when, look no further than the Crop Report Archive. We’ve compiled past reports, listing the most recent first. You can search by Region, Month, or Reporter to find information.

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Region 1
07/07/2023, United States
Stanley Solomon

Much of the corn in NW IL was starting to roll and pineapple on late last week. The rain on June 24 -25 and late this week along with cooler conditions reduced this impact. Many fields of corn and soybean field seem to be behind in height and canopy closure at this point. Some of the early planted field which received timely showers during May and June look more normal. This really shows the spotty distribution of late spring showers.

Wheat fields are starting to turn. Late last week, I did notice wind damage in a couple of wheat fields between Pearl City and Freeport. The picture included shows what appeared to be straight line wind damage. Another field had more swirled and random damage.

Region 5
07/07/2023, Champaign
Kris Ehler

Extremely welcome rains came across our area last week. Totals were .75-3”. Some storm damage south and along I74. Beans will likely canopy in the next 10 days. Corn is beginning to tassel, but looks extremely uneven.

Region 5
07/07/2023, Douglas
Talon Becker

This week, I took a drive into Douglas County to check out crop conditions. As is the story around much of the area, there are a lot of uneven corn fields as well as stunted soybeans still some ways from closing their canopy. In the fields I visited, soil moisture was variable. Some were relatively dry in the top inch or two, while others appeared to be at or near field capacity. Soybeans ranged from very early R1 to early R3. Most corn was tasseling or within a leaf or two of doing so. Some was in full flower with silks several inches long. Fields in full flower right now appeared to have more even growth across the field, while those that may have been planted a bit later or experienced drought stress a bit earlier ranged from V10-11 to R1 on plants within several yards of each other. Weed pressure, notable waterhemp, was also moderate to significant in areas of corn fields where corn plants were shorter.

Region 3
07/06/2023, United States
Russ Higgins

Welcome and timely precipitation this past week in NE Illinois. Some areas had 3+ inches of rainfall but most had less. Adequate for now, but continued precipitation would be welcome for many. Some of the earliest planted or shorter season hybrids are starting to tassel. The emergence of tassels visibly illustrates the lack of uniform growth in some fields, likely due to earlier season stresses. Soybean are currently R1 nearing R2 (full flower). Japanese beetle adults can now be found leaf feeding. Recent rains have mostly halted the wheat harvest in northern Illinois. Potato leafhopper damage clearly detected in Alfalfa fields.

Region 6
07/06/2023, White
Leonardo Rocha

The recent precipitation events left the soil with high moisture levels, helping double cropping soybean fields to emerge. This particular field was planted about two weeks ago, under drought and without access irrigation, but plants are emerging with high vigor and uniform stand. With more rain on the radar, this particular field has good yield potential at this point.

Region 2
07/06/2023, LaSalle
Karen Corrigan

Corn is tasseling in some fields. Uneven fields have a few tassels here and there. Judging the appropriate time for fungicides in the uneven fields will be an issue. In my opinion later is better than earlier. Be judicious on additives with the fungicides which can cause more issues with crop injury.
Soybeans are getting closer to closing the canopy. The recent rains will germinate some weeds. Read the label before attempting late herbicide applications.

Region 6
07/06/2023, United States
Kelly Robertson

Very scattered rain July 1-4 across the region. Reports of no rain to 6 inches in locally heavy spots. Rain was spotty as you may have got rain on this quarter section and not the next. On our own farm we had one rain event where we had 4 tenths on one field and basically 0 half mile down the road on another. Despite the rain we are far from out of the woods on drought. The moisture hasn’t meet yet on our own farm and most others across S Illinois.

Lots and lots of questions on April planted corn. Some 4 ft tall and trying to tassel, most without any silks. In some fields silks out but no tassels. We are seeing root issues in the dry soil, some of the storms root lodged the corn and it has nothing to hold onto with the dry conditions. Late May and June planted corn still has a fighting chance. Some fungicide is going on, but I am not sure why at this stage, there is no disease pressure and in some cases, we don’t really have a viable host.

Early planted soybeans have maybe 9 nodes in some fields and have never closed the rows on 15 inches. Heard the seed production guy say he has never seed blooms “on the ground” because plants are so short. Later planting and later maturity are doing better. Spider mites are showing up in many places.

2023 harvest is shaping up to be a highly variable mess. There will be fields of good/average yields next to almost complete disasters based on planting date and what cloud it was under when.

Region 4
07/05/2023, Montgomery
Stephanie Porter

Corn pollination is taking place. Soybeans will be approaching R3 (pod set) soon. Both corn and soybeans will be at the correct growth stage for fungicide and insecticide in about a week. There appears to be a lot of waterhemp escapes. Also saw minor corn snap and lodging.

Region 6
07/02/2023, Wabash
Matt Herman
Region 2
06/30/2023, Woodford/Tazwell
Karen Corrigan

This week started with drought and wildfire smoke and ended with ponds in the field. Southern Woodford County had 2.5 inches of rain over two separate storms a few hours apart. The first storm was in the overnight hours and had small hail. The second storm was an intense downpour. We were lucky to not have damage to the crop in this area. Next week will be focused on which weeds are germinating and what we can do about it. The herbicide options are limited and may or may not control the weeds emerging. Cultivation is an option in organic or later planted beans that are not close to the rows closing. Read the herbicide label for crop growth height and stage restrictions.