Farming with Ephemeral Gullies: Fix It, Don’t Disk It!
“Ephemeral gullies” are small channels that are formed in natural, concentrated water flow areas. They are generally shallow, yet visible, and are normally easily [...]
Off To The “Traces” (Micronutrients)
Are you paying enough attention to your crop’s micronutrient (trace element) needs today? The uptake of the trace elements iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), manganese [...]
Banding and Biologicals
Here at AgriEnergy Resources in Princeton, Illinois, we have long promoted banding fertilizer and using biological products to boost fertilizer use efficiency in both [...]
Seeing Iron Deficiency
Iron deficiency is not as common in Illinois as other parts of the Corn Belt, particularly in states like the Dakotas, Nebraska, Western Minnesota [...]
Optimizing Soybean Production with Sulfur
Crop production is the process of managing plants to maximize sunlight interception, carbon assimilation (photosynthesis) and storage of carbohydrates that [...]
Part 2 – Soybean Calcium Requirements: Understanding the Calcium Cycle
Soil tests indicate large amounts of exchangeable calcium in the soil, but what’s important is how much soluble calcium is present. You can ask [...]
Part 1 – Soybean Calcium Requirements: Soil
Calcium is often an overlooked nutrient in crop production because soil tests report large amounts of this extractable cation. This is the first in [...]
Sulfur and Boron Testing in Soybeans
Sulfur and boron are increasingly important nutrients for soybeans. So, are soil and tissue tests reliable measures? Soil testing is a proven tool for [...]
Nitrogen on the Soybeans Yield Gap
Is some of the yield gap we see in soybeans today due to a lack of nitrogen? For the past 4 or 5 years [...]
WEBINAR: What We’ve Learned from Nitrogen-On-Beans Research
Tim Smith from Cropsmith and Fred Below, Ph.D., from the University of Illinois, discuss their research on applying nitrogen on soybeans, when it makes [...]