Importance of Soybean Storage Proteins
Soybeans are grown because oil can be extracted and marketed as vegetable oil or blended to make biodiesel and the high protein soybean meal [...]
Improving Soil Health
Soil health is a popular topic today. Many entities including NRCS, universities, non-profits and private companies are promoting soil health and how to improve [...]
Cool and Wet Weather Bring on Bacterial Blight
2019 has been an unusual season with a wet spring and very late planting followed by drier weather and outbreaks of diseases and pests. [...]
PODCAST: The Evolution of Soybean Production in Illinois
Soybean production in Illinois has been on a a steep upwards trend over the last decade. Dan Davidson, research and technical consultant for the [...]
Soybeans – Ever so Short
The ILSoyAdvisor received a question from central Pennsylvania last week: “My question is that my growers are seeing flowers on plants that are almost [...]
What Drives Pod Count?
Soybeans yield are increasing over half a bushel per year now. Some of that increase is from genetic gain and the rest is from [...]
Pod Number Counts Most
We often talk about evaluating the components of yield from plant population to pod number per plant to seed number per pod and seed [...]
Relay Cropping Soybeans
Many producers in Southern Illinois double-crop soybeans after wheat and this creates an additional opportunity for revenue for the farm. In addition, winter wheat [...]
Soybean Cyst Nematode – A Consistent Threat
Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is known to cause considerable yield loss in soybeans. Often that loss is accompanied by undetectable crop symptoms and options [...]
At What V-Stage Does R1 Occur?
Regardless of when you plant soybeans flowering still begins just after V3. The difference is the amount of foliage produced from VE to V3 [...]