Implementing the Herbicide Strategy for Midwest Farmers
In this webinar, Dr. Aaron Hager explains the EPA Herbicide Strategy, outlining its impact on farming operations and compliance steps for farmers.
The Impact of 45Z on Illinois Soybean Farmers
David Kubik breaks down farmers' top questions about the 45Z credit program in this Q&A blog.
Winning With Wheat and Double-Crop Soybeans
In this episode, Kelsey Litchfield talks with John Howell, president of the Illinois Wheat Association, about the 2024 winter wheat crop, its challenges, and why yields continue to improve. They also discuss double-crop soybeans and a new initiative from the Illinois Wheat Association.
Is It Too Early To Start Planning for Next Year?
Soy Envoy Kris Ehler urges farmers to start planning for 2024 as the challenges from the 2023 growing season will influence decisions for next year.