Take a Tour of ISA’S Cover Crop Plot
Jim Isermann leads a tour of Illinois Soybean Association's cover crop plot, offering detailed information into each species planted.
How Breeders Capture Data During Harvest
IL Soy Envoy Craig Grafton offers an inside look at how a breeding program collects harvest data to develop top-performing hybrids and varieties.
Fertilizer Market Trends and 2025 Crop Protection Update
In this video, Kevin "KJ" Johnson, president of the Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association, discusses current supply challenges, analysis of the fertilizer market, and a crop protection update for 2025.
Will It Be a Long Harvest?
In this episode, the IL Soy Envoys share early harvest reports and concerns from the field. They are seeing a wide range of yields, and despite some wet areas, a big crop is expected.
The Hidden Power of Lime: Why pH Matters to Production
Fixing soil pH is the simplest and most cost-effective way to boost yields, control weeds, enhance fertilizer efficiency, and improve soil and plant health. IL Soy Envoy Kelly Robertson explains how to address the pH problems in your fields.
EarthSense AI Robot Demonstration
Dennis Bowman demonstrates the EarthSense AI Robot, an autonomous device that interseeds cover crops in row-crop fields.
Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership Develops Financial Incentive Database
The FIND Tool includes information for over 60 financial incentive programs available to Illinois farmers who want to implement conservation practices.
Autumn Awaits: Football, Frost, and Forecasts in Illinois
Matt Reardon breaks down the fall forecast, explaining when frost typically arrives in Illinois. He also discusses cooler conditions in the near term and a possible warming trend heading into the harvest season.
Delivering Data Driven Best Management Practices
Dr. Rachel Vann shares data-driven information on biological seed treatments, seed quality, and soybean desiccation, while highlighting the Science for Success platform.
Should I Kill My Beans Early?
Would Illinois soybean fields benefit from a desiccant application? Jason Carr examines the advantages of using desiccants on Illinois soybeans and presents trial results from an experiment conducted in north-central Illinois.