Voles: The Ultimate Arch Nemesis of Soybeans in the Pursuit of Better Soil Health
One of the most frequent questions asked thus far after cover crop presentations or events is “How do you control voles in cover crops?” To control these pests, we first need to understand their biology to know how to combat them.
Got Vole Problems? Your Input Is Needed!
USDA’s Office of Pest Management Policy (OPMP) is requesting your participation in a survey on rodenticide use in outdoor agricultural production.
We Want to Hear From YOU!
Are you a farmer, landowner, or someone who works closely with farmers in Illinois? We need your input!
See You in Quincy Next Week for Better Beans!
The Better Beans series travels to Quincy, IL next week on Wednesday, January 25th! Come and meet your hometown team of agronomists.
Who’s Speaking at Soybean Summit? Find Out!
The 2023 ILSoyAdvisor Soybean Summit, funded by the Illinois Soybean Association checkoff program, will be held on February 2nd at the I Hotel and Conference Center in Champaign.
You’re already an expert…be an ENVOY.
Soy Envoys are a bridge to the 43,000 soybean farmers with the united goal of increasing soybean yield and profits while minimizing environmental impact. Apply today to be an ILSoyAdvisor Soy Envoy!
New Research on Soybean Cyst Nematode Finds Reproduction on Most Common Resistance Source
Soybean cyst nematodes (SCN) causes more soybean yield loss in Illinois when compared to any other pathogen. For example, in 2021 alone, losses attributed to SCN were estimated at over 14 million bushels, valued at over $185 million.
Illinois Wheat Association 2023 Double Crop Farmers Forum
Farmers and researchers are invited to learn best field practices and strategies from top Illinois and Kentucky double-crop farmers during the Illinois Wheat Association’s (IWA) upcoming 2023 Double Crop Farmers Forum.
What is Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)?
Using CEC to make fertility management decisions is a philosophy. There are many different philosophies that incorporate CEC into their recommendations. Many of these philosophies have some good science in them, some just enough to make them seem legit and some could be dangerous.
2023 Soy Envoy Application Opens
Seeking soybean industry experts! Apply today to be an ILSoyAdvisor Soy Envoy.