
Cover Crop Planting Dates in Soybean & Corn Rotations: Lessons Learned from Year One of ISA-Funded Study

This Illinois Soybean Association funded project, lead by Nathan Johanning of Illinois Extension, reveals insights from the first year of a cover crop planting date study. The team found that lower seeding rates of early-planted cereal rye cut seed costs and had similar biomass. Late planting still offered good growth into mid-Nov and maximizing biomass by delaying termination until maturity showed no yield reduction in soybeans in most cases.

By |March 7, 2024|

Illinois NREC Needs Your Input!

Annually, the Illinois Nutrient Research and Education Council (NREC) invites stakeholders to provide input on existing and upcoming research priorities. Don't miss the chance to participate in the survey and attend the 2024 Investment Insights Live event on February 15th in Champaign.

By |January 29, 2024|
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