The Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) is calling soybean farmers across the state to join the battle against Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) by providing free soil sampling to help track and research the largest yield robber in soybeans. ISA announced the check-off funded testing during October, SCN Awareness Month.  

Dr. Nathan Schroeder, Associate Professor in the Department of Crop Sciences, studies plant parasitic nematodes such as SCN.  The University of Illinois has partnered with the Illinois Soybean Association to understand a baseline population of SCN within Illinois soybean fields.  Even though you may have tested for SCN in the past, populations may be increasing because SCN has learned how to adapt to the genetic source of resistance (PI 88788) that farmers have been using over the past 30 years. 

Dr. Nathan Schroeder and ISA agronomists say gathering data from across the state is crucial to identify exactly where SCN is attacking and to quantify its impact on soybean crops. They anticipate this research will lead to new ways to overcome resistance in the field. Farmers can scan the QR code for more information, go to the free SCN form available on the U of I Plant Clinic website, or contact to request a free SCN kit with instructions and a prepaid shipping label. Allow the U of I Plant Clinic a few weeks to analyze your soil sample for SCN so that they can provide you with an accurate summary of results. 

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About the Author: Stephanie Porter

As Outreach Agronomist for the Illinois Soybean Association (ISA), Stephanie supports research efforts and helps communicate both in-field and edge-of-field research and validation studies to Illinois 43,000 soybean farmers. She also helps lead the demonstration and adoption of conservation agriculture practices and raises awareness of best management and continuous improvement practices for conservation agriculture in Illinois. Stephanie has 23 years of experience that consists of agronomy, conservation, horticulture, plant diagnostics, and education. She has her bachelor’s in crop science and master’s in plant pathology from the University of Illinois. Stephanie is a Certified Crop Advisor and was named the 2018 Illinois Certified Crop Adviser Master Soybean Advisor. She also has experience with corn and soybean pathology research, crop scouting, soil testing, as well as crop consulting. Previously, she utilized her diagnostic training and collaborated with University of Illinois departmental Extension Specialists to diagnose plant health problems and prepare written responses describing the diagnosis and management recommendations as the University of Illinois Plant Clinic.


  1. Nathan October 12, 2023 at 2:39 pm

    A survey of SCN populations and HG types was just recently conducted less than 3 years ago. These data were also already shared with and published by Il soy advisor.

  2. Nathan October 12, 2023 at 3:33 pm

    Here’s the previous article.

    It’s great to offer sampling. We already have baseline data on this disease, but because the disease significantly varies by field it is important to sample more broadly.

  3. Stephanie K Porter October 13, 2023 at 8:59 am

    We want to continue the survey of SCN populations in 2024 and hopefully beyond. As Dr. Schoeder states in this video, “nematode populations are not standing still” and he wants to get an understanding of how populations are changing. We also know there are many farmers that have not tested for SCN, so they now can get a baseline of SCN populations on their farm.

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