Can Biologicals Help Protect Against Red Crown Rot?
Dr. Boris Camiletti shares progress in red crown rot research, including testing of 11 biological products in the lab and greenhouse this winter.
Wheat Trials Planted Despite Dry Fall Challenges
Dr. Jessica Rutkoski shares an update on ISA check-off funded wheat trials in Illinois.
Red Crown Rot and Soybean Cyst Nematode: How Do They Interact?
Dr. Boris Camiletti provides an update on greenhouse experiments aimed at refining protocols for evaluating commercial products against RCR and its interaction with SCN.
Upcoming Webinar: Biologicals – Are They a Barrier or a Game-Changer?
Join Field Advisor on January 22 for a webinar on biologicals with Dr. Mallory Choudoir and Dr. Laura Lindsey.
Study Explores Environmental Impact on Glufosinate Control of Waterhemp
Dr. Pat Tranel reports progress on sequencing glufosinate-resistant populations and plans for winter resistance analysis and growth chamber studies.
Researchers are Seeking How to Improve Control of Herbicide-Resistant Waterhemp
Waterhemp is now found in every corner of Illinois, and researchers are working to uncover its resistance to Group 15 herbicides.
The Undeniable Intrigue of Field Trials
The Illinois Soybean Association's On-Farm Trial Network offers farmers a hands-on approach to improving crop production through field-based research.
Benefits of Reduced Tillage and Cereal Rye in a Diverse Crop Rotation of Corn-Soybean Wheat/Double Crop Soybean
Lowell Gentry shares research from Piatt County, IL, that demonstrates the advantages of diversifying the typical corn and soybean rotation.
Side Dress N Application to Corn with Cereal Rye Ahead of Soybean Reduces Tile Nitrate Loss
This fourth video in the series shares key findings from a 2015–2020 Douglas County study on 4R nitrogen management and cereal rye cover crops, presented by Lowell Gentry.
Tile Nitrates: The Solution isn’t New
Using cover crops as a nitrogen catch crop is not a new idea. Lowell Gentry, research agronomist and retired University of Illinois principal research specialist, shares insights from 1884 that hold true today.