In this Illinois Soybean checkoff funded project, Dr. Fred Below and Dr. Connor Sible are exploring the traditional approach to tissue testing in soybeans and question if there’s a better way to sample for nutrient needs.
They are investigating whether sampling different parts of the plant, beyond the most recently mature leaf, can provide better insights into nutrient deficiencies. Their goal is to understand nutrient movement within the canopy and identify the best time and method for maximizing yield.
The research team is led by Dr. Connor Sible and Dr. Fred Below from the University of Illinois Crop Physiology Department. Other key members include Juliann Seebauer, Principal Research Specialist; Jared Fender, Senior Research Specialist; and Gabriela Frigo Fernandes, Master’s Student, all from UIUC.
For more information on this project and other checkoff-funded initiatives, visit