Kris Ehler
Soy Envoy

Kris Ehler
Soy Envoy
#Harvest23 is under way! As suspected the corn yields are coming in 5-7% less than 2022 and on par with elevator tour estimates. 225-230 at 22-26%. Soybeans have been sparse so far with only 2 known fields harvested with and average of 64.
Plant health in corn continues to fade rapidly. A good shower of rain would help even up a large number of soybean acres to cut next week.
I wish I could take the stance “If don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” This crop is loosing its luster quickly. Insect feeding and soybean vein necrosis virus is severely limiting the plant’s ability to finish. Compound that with abnormally dry soil conditions and it’s just a bad combination. Corn and beans are going to limp across the finish line. That checkered flag will come soon than we expect when the heat returns this weekend.
Much needed sunshine returned and with it HEAT. Pod shed was seen in many fields after an overcast and fairly wet previous 10 day stretch. SDS continues to show up in many fields. Reports of white mold are starting to trickle in as well. Corn is 1/2-3/4 milk line. This heat will speed up maturity. Local elevator tours showed an estimated average of 215 bu/acre.
Weekend rains delivered much needed relief from severe drought stress. Locally totals ranged from 1.5” to 5.5”. These rains will allow soybeans to hold pods and begin filling the lower pods. It was especially important for corn to allow grain fill without cannibalism of the plant.
As we slip back into an extremely dry and stressful point in the growing season, more stresses are appearing. Fungicide applications made during last weeks extremely hot stretch brought out symptoms from Triazole sensitivity. SDS is showing up on early planted soybeans in areas of stress or compaction. Corn is showing tip back post pollination in the dryers areas.
Nice weather for corn pollination. Still need consistent rain showers of .75-1.5” per week to maintain yield potential. Soybeans are R2-R3.
Insect pressure is moderate.
Extremely welcome rains came across our area last week. Totals were .75-3”. Some storm damage south and along I74. Beans will likely canopy in the next 10 days. Corn is beginning to tassel, but looks extremely uneven.
The dryness ensures. Class A’s holding on but class B’s are struggling. The silver side of leaves in soybeans can now be seen after mid-day. A sign of very dry conditions.
South of I74 found momentary relief from continued drought conditions. Small pockets along Rt36 had 1.2-2” Sunday. North of 74 received no measurable rain. Crop growth is seemingly paused. Our only saving grace is cooler conditions.
At this point it’s becoming a broken record of leading off with drought conditions. Plants have slowed their growth and corn is rolling. Soybeans wanted to shift gears into the rapid growth stage, but will be limited in dry areas. Carryover in soybeans continues to show up.
Many areas have slipped into the moderate drought classification. With 95° weather on the horizon, this will intensify very rapidly. Corn and soybeans both are showing the stress. Growers are worried about adding additional stress by post spraying. Herbicide carryover is beginning to be obvious with lack of moisture. Corn seems to passing from primary to nodal root system. Some fields have very awkward and ugly areas. Soybeans look to have started fixing nitrogen from nodules as many fields are to starting to get good color to the leaves.
Dry conditions persist. Stress from dryness is showing in compacted or root restricted areas. Replant has wrapped up in areas that received large rains 2 weeks ago.
Spotty rains are moving through the area on Friday, but extremely low humidity and winds have continued to pull what little moisture is there out of the soil. It is concerning with little to no significant rain chances on the horizon and possible 90 Degree temperatures over the holiday weekend. Beans are VC-V3 depending on planting dates. Small pockets of replant for corn and soybeans are seen on western Champaign and Eastern Piatt counties.
Last week brought a band of rain through our area with rain totals from .5″ to 4″. In the heaviest of the areas pond took 4-5 days to recede. There may be some replant in these areas. Other areas could use a half inch to aid in emergence of the last planted soybeans. Growers in Nothern Champaign and Southern Ford County postponed planting on 5/7 due to extremely hard soil conditions until after the weekend rain event passed.
Soybeans planted 4/10-13 are emerging with freeze and frost potential.