Kris Ehler
Soy Envoy

Kris Ehler
Soy Envoy
Last week brought a band of rain through our area with rain totals from .5″ to 4″. In the heaviest of the areas pond took 4-5 days to recede. There may be some replant in these areas. Other areas could use a half inch to aid in emergence of the last planted soybeans. Growers in Nothern Champaign and Southern Ford County postponed planting on 5/7 due to extremely hard soil conditions until after the weekend rain event passed.
Rain chances continue to dissipate going into the weekend.
Isolated chances through the weekend.
Slight crust in areas that received more than 1″ of rain last Saturday.
Final planting reconvened late week. Most all soybeans are planted and emerging.
Bean Leaf Beetles are showing up and moth flights are present.
Lambsquarter and grass species.
Dry conditions in the Southern regions and northern regions and excess moisture in central Champaign Co.
Overall a good start, but a nice general .5-.75″ rain would be beneficial to most areas in my region.