
If you find yourself wondering what happened when, look no further than the Crop Report Archive. We’ve compiled past reports, listing the most recent first. You can search by Region, Month, or Reporter to find information.

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Region 2
06/05/2024, Bureau
Emily Hansen

Conditions this week were similar to last, with scattered showers and plenty of sunshine. The most mature soybeans I scouted this week were at V3, and the most mature corn was at V6. I’m starting to see more Amaranthus spp. popping up in fields.

Region 3
06/05/2024, IL
Russ Higgins

A good growing week in NE Illinois for most. Some precipitation and several rain free days with sunshine. The earliest planted corn is V7 to V8 and earlier planted soybean is V3 to V4. Now that most planters are parked, other activities are underway. They include sidedressing nitrogen, post herbicide applications on corn, and harvesting the first cutting of hay. Several days after corn post herbicide applications have taken place, scout fields to evaluate the performance of your post herbicide application. Be wary of hard to control weeds such as Marestail, with populations resistant to glyphosate in Illinois and a challenge to other chemistries once they bolt and reach a height of 6 – 8 inches. To learn about the newest in weed management plan on attending the University of Illinois 2024 Weed Science Field Research Tour on June 26th. The tour takes place at the Department of Crop Sciences field research location known as the Clem Farm, located at 1114 County Road 1200 East, Champaign. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. and the tour will start at 9:00 a.m.

Region 5
06/05/2024, Champaign
Nick Seiter

I have received a few reports of cutworm injury, one from black cutworm and one from variegated cutworm. This injury should wind down once corn reaches V5 or so, but continue to monitor later planted corn (especially in fields where winter annual vegetation was present close to planting time).

Region 4
06/05/2024, Logan
Reagen Tibbs

Brief rain showers overnight provided some much-appreciated rain for the area. Growing conditions remain steady across Logan, Menard, and Sangamon counties, with planting mostly concluded.

Region 1
06/04/2024, Stephenson
Kathryn Seebruck

With the significant rainfall the area saw beginning a couple weeks ago (> 2.6 inches between May 21 and 28), plus almost another inch of rain between June 1 and now, corn is beginning to show signs of N deficiency. Some fields are showing areas of stunted, light green plants, and some are exhibiting uneven emergence. This is not across the board, however, and some fields look very healthy. This week, I have seen little to no ponding in fields.

Region 3
06/04/2024, Iroquois
Talon Becker

There is quite a bit of variability between fields in corn and soybean growth stage in Iroquois County. I saw very few unplanted fields, but there were several planted within the last few days an yet to emerge. The majority of corn observed was around the V2/V3 growth stage, with a few fields closer to V5/V6. Most soybeans were at late VC or early V1, but I found a few fields with most plants at V3/V4 plants and at least a couple plants at early R1. The few wheat fields I saw looked to be progressing well into senescence with minimal lodging at this point. Soil moisture conditions were generally good, with the occasional muddy spot visible in some fields. Some uneven emergence and uneven color, particularly in corn, was observed in these wetter fields, but these areas could still recover if they don’t get hit by too much rain in the near term.

05/31/2024, Christian
Craig Grafton

With adequate moisture, temperatures and sunshine….the crops are moving along at a good pace. Growth stages in both soybeans and corn are varied all over the countryside. Your fields may require very different approaches based on crop stage and field situation. It may be worth looking at extra Nitrogen for corn fields with excess rainfall. Another Pre-emerge herbicide added to your post application in corn or soybeans.

Region 2
05/31/2024, Woodford
Karen Corrigan

It’s a race to finish planting before the forecasted rain.

Region 5
05/31/2024, Champaign
Shelby Weckel

After receiving and unexpected 1.5-5 inches of rain last Friday and Saturday, it has again been the waiting game to allow things to dry out. Top soil is extremely hard after the pounding rains we received last Friday. Crops are struggling to get out of the ground and very uneven stands. We could use a light rain to help with emergence.

Region 2
05/30/2024, Mercer
Kelsey Litchfield

Last weekend, our region received approximately an inch of rain, with some areas getting 1.5 to 2 inches. With the sun and warm temps, we could use more rain to help the beans. The corn was planted on May 6th and the beans on May 18th. Weeds are starting to break through the PRE herbicide, but there are no signs of disease or insect pressure.