Potassium Deficiencies
Time to start watching for potassium deficiencies in soybeans Soybeans require a whole lot of potassium (K) and remove a whopping 1.4 pounds of [...]
Impacts From The Wet Spring On Our Soybeans
Wet weather not only caused planting delays and replants, but also has impacted the soybean crop. Based off the most recent planting progress report, [...]
Better Season-Long Nutrient Supply In Soybean Is Critical
This article was originally posted by CropLife. Over the last several decades there have been substantial yield improvements in soybean. Because of new varieties [...]
Testing Soybean Grains for Potassium Deficiency
This article was originally published on PotashCorp eKonomics. Identifying the cause — or in some cases, multiple causes — of lower-than-expected yields is a complicated [...]
Checking the Pulse of Nitrogen Fixation
How much nitrogen is your soybean crop capable of fixing? Soybeans fix nitrogen. With soybean yields of 40, 50 or even 60 bushels per [...]
Webinar: Optimizing Crop Nutrition With Tissue Testing
Jason Haegele from WinField United explains the basics of tissue testing, including nutrient uptake and interaction, sampling methods, sufficiency levels, and how to interpret [...]
Nitrogen on Soybeans: Here is What We Know
Soybeans require nitrogen and lots of it because it’s a protein crop and proteins contain 16% nitrogen. For decades we have relied on the [...]
Tricking the Soybean to Fix more Nitrogen
Growers and agronomists know that soybeans are legumes and fix most of the nitrogen they need in the nodules they carry and support on [...]
How trapped phosphate becomes dissolved phosphate
Last fall I wrote an article about using gypsum (calcium sulfate) to trap phosphorus on the landscape. And it is true that gypsum has [...]
Phosphorus Management and the 4Rs
Phosphorus (P) also impacts water quality and is a common cause of hypoxia in surface water bodies. Phosphorus can be lost as soluble P [...]