
Register Today for 2024 Better Beans Series!

Prepare for a successful 2024 growing season with the Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) by attending a half-day Better Beans event in your area. The ISA Agronomy Team alongside university researchers and agronomy experts will deliver regional insights on a range of topics, from conquering weed challenges and managing diseases to optimizing soil health.

By |November 30, 2023|

Don’t Sleep on Drought this Winter

Consecutive drier growing seasons have depleted deeper layer soil moisture and dropped water table levels across much of Illinois. Without near to wetter than normal conditions in winter, dry soil conditions could persist into the spring. El Niño conditions in the Pacific increase the chances of drier and warmer than normal weather, which could also impede longer-term drought recovery, especially in parts of western Illinois that have accumulated the largest deficits since the start of 2022.

By |November 21, 2023|

The Rising Costs of Soybean Production in Illinois

Since 2000, the direct costs associated with soybean production in central Illinois have increased at an average annual rate of 5.4%. The costs associated with primary inputs have grown at average annual rates slightly above the total direct cost average, while other direct costs have increased at average annual rates slightly below the direct cost average.

By |November 19, 2023|

Soybean-Specifics of Soil Health: What Do We Know?

When it comes to soybeans, are there specific considerations on soil health? In this webinar, Dr. Andrew Margenot will review reasons for anticipating soybean-specific considerations on soil health processes and management, and methods for testing soil health.

By |November 15, 2023|
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