
Last Minute Cover Crop Termination Tips

Jim Isermann of the Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership provides last-minute tips on cover crop termination, specifically focusing on herbicide-based termination methods. He shares more on herbicide application, termination timing, and cover crop growth stage.

By |April 11, 2024|

Does Soybean Planting Depth Really Matter for High Yields?

In this blog post, ILSoyAdvisor Soy Envoy, Drew Beckman, emphasizes the importance of soybean planting depth, highlighting the impact on emergence and susceptibility to seedling diseases. Read more about his recommendations on planting depth before hitting the fields this planting season.

By |April 10, 2024|

A Look at Planter Adjustments for Planting into Cover Crops

Harborview Farms have spent a decade experimenting with different corn and soybean planter set-ups to successfully plant green into varying stands of cover crops each spring. Watch the video to explore the various components integrated into their planters, such as roller crimpers, row cleaners, gauge wheels, closing wheels, and more.

By |April 8, 2024|

Early Planted Soybeans: Let’s Talk About Emergence

It’s been proven that early planted soybeans has its yield advantages. However, Shelby Weckel, ILSoyAdvisor Soy Envoy and Ehler Brothers Seed Sales Agronomist, recommends growers pay closer attention to the timing of soybean emergence during this planting season.

By |April 8, 2024|

Early Soybean Planting Success

Kelly Robertson, Owner of Precision Crop Services and ILSoyAdvisor Soy Envoy, discusses field conditions for planting soybeans early and the factors that can potentially reduce yields. He examines various scenarios and shares insights from planting into different soil conditions.

By |April 2, 2024|
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