The New Frontier of Weed Control for Early Planted Soybeans
In 2021 and 2022, Dr. Aaron Hager at the University of Illinois conducted research to establish a sound weed management program for very early planted soybeans. Read about the research and conclusions on this study as you make weed management decisions throughout the growing season.
Diversifying Your Weed Control Program: The Why and the How for Long-term Success
In this video presentation, Dr. Karla Gage discusses the role of a diverse herbicide program in prolonging the utility of crop biotechnologies and new, emerging Integrated Weed Management (IWM) options.
Dry Soils and Soil-Applied Herbicides
While conditions during much of April were conducive for planting, these same conditions were NOT conducive for good performance of soil-residual herbicides. Read more for Dr. Aaron Hager's update.
Planting Soybeans “Green”, Pennycress, and Soybean Weed Management
What are the benefits and costs of planting soybeans green? Dr. Mark Bernards of WIU discusses this practice as well as how pennycress might fit into a soybean-corn rotation and soybean weed management lessons learned on the WIU agronomy farm.
“Buckle Up” and Pay Attention to the Impact of EPA’s Endangered Species Act
To comply with the ESA, the EPA will evaluate the potential effects of pesticides on federally threatened or endangered species and their critical habitats.
Another Reason to Control Weeds
Soy Envoy Leo Rocha continues his soybean pathology series by exploring the dynamics of weeds and soybean cyst nematode.
Maximizing Your Weed Control Success
Soy Envoy Karen Corrigan encourages growers to evaluate each component of their tank mix and consider adding alternative weed control practices to their overall strategy.
The New Frontier of Weed Control for Early Planted Soybeans
In 2021 and 2022, Dr. Aaron Hager, University of Illinois, conducted research to establish a sound weed management program for very, early planted soybeans.
Burndown Barriers of 2022
Spring is in the air! The grass is greening up, the songbirds are back serenading us, each day is getting longer, the daily temperature is sort of warming up, and snow is changing to rain (for the most part). But that is the problem, isn’t it? Temps are staying lower than average, and the precipitation does not seem to want to stay away for longer than a 48-hour stretch, at best.
Cover Crops and Herbicides
I think one of the most overlooked problems with farmers trying cover crops is not paying enough attention to the herbicide program that was [...]