
Post Dicamba June 12th Cutoff & 85 Degree Temperature Reminder

The application cutoff date for dicamba use over-the-top of soybeans is June 12th, and the projected forecast for much of the state shows elevated temperatures for the week. IFCA understands the pressure ag retailer members face to control weeds with available crop protection products, but violations of the cut-off date, temperature restriction, or recordkeeping requirements will be considered willful violations of the Illinois Pesticide Act, so it is crucial to discuss label requirements with customers to ensure compliance.

By |June 11, 2024|

EPA Publishes Update on Herbicide Strategy Progress

The EPA issued an update on the Herbicide Strategy, including more options for conservation measures and improved mapping to identify areas requiring practices. By using four tiers to describe mitigation effectiveness, the EPA aims to reduce the areas mandating specific conservation practices. The agency plans to release the complete strategy by August 30th.

By |April 24, 2024|

Illinois Dicamba Label and Recordkeeping

As the 2024 growing season begins in Illinois, the Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association (IFCA) reminds applicators that the dicamba use restrictions mandated by the Illinois Department of Agriculture remain unchanged from those in 2023. Annual dicamba label training remains a prerequisite before applying dicamba over-the-top of soybeans.

By |April 22, 2024|
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