Phytophthora Management in 2019
A question I am often asked is: How should I select soybean varieties when looking at my farm’s history of Phytophthora root and stem [...]
Seed Treatments in Continuous Soybean Production: Key Diseases to Consider
As plans begin to take shape for the 2019 growing season, it is important to consider how various cropping rotations might affect a grower’s [...]
The Economics of Fertilizer Application
By Gary Schnitkey and Dan Davidson Today there are two certainties – corn and soybean prices are depressed and corn and soybeans both will [...]
Sampling SCN Population in the Fall
Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is considered the No. 1 pest threat to soybeans and robs more bushels than any other threat. And unfortunately, many [...]
Green is for Go – Except for Soybean Stems
As harvest approaches, it’s time once again to discuss green stems in soybeans. Green Stem Syndrome (GSS) has been with us for quite some [...]
Soybeans, White Mold and SDS – Oh My!
It’s early August in Northern Illinois and it’s time to start wrapping up the 2018 soybean crop. Granted, August rains can add some yield, [...]
Fungicide-Herbicide Compatibility
Fungicide applications can be viewed as a “free trip” for some herbicides, but make sure you are spraying on-label. If not, it could be [...]
Now’s an Opportune Time to Scout for SCN
Originally posted via University of Nebraska-Lincoln CROPWATCH July through August is a good time to check soybean fields for soybean cyst nematodes (SCN), the [...]
Can You Get a Hold of Your Soybean Mold with a Threshold?
Recently, I was asked, “How do I know if I should have sprayed a fungicide on my soybeans or not?” Below is a checklist [...]
Cover Crops and Soybean Cyst Nematodes (SCN)
Soybean cyst nematodes (SCN) are one of the most detrimental pathogens of soybeans—they are considered the No. 1 yield-robbing pest for United State soybean [...]