Citizen Science for Great Lakes Cover Crop Research NEEDS YOU!
Participate in a citizen science study to understand variation in cover crop growth across different farming conditions.
Voles: The Ultimate Arch Nemesis of Soybeans in the Pursuit of Better Soil Health
One of the most frequent questions asked thus far after cover crop presentations or events is “How do you control voles in cover crops?” To control these pests, we first need to understand their biology to know how to combat them.
Got Vole Problems? Your Input Is Needed!
USDA’s Office of Pest Management Policy (OPMP) is requesting your participation in a survey on rodenticide use in outdoor agricultural production.
Confessions of a Cereal Killer – Part 2
Soy Envoy Brad Zimmerman explains how cover cropping has helped to keep the soil from crusting, improved water infiltration and helped control weeds, in addition to feeding the soil biology and sinking carbon back into the soil.
WEBINAR: Farm Incomes and Environmental Outcomes: Understanding the Impact of Conservation Practices
In this ILSoyAdvisor Webinar, Laura Gentry, Ph.D., reviewed how using Precision Conservation Management (PCM) benefits farmers both financially and environmentally, including results using cover crops, tillage and conservation outcomes.
Confessions of A Cereal Killer – Part 1
Soy Envoy Brad Zimmerman discusses the successful termination process for cereal rye in his latest ILSoyAdvisor blog.
Seven Things I Learned Planting Cover Crops
What a long, strange trip it has been! I have been using cover crops for 8 years now in Central Illinois and it has been a very fun ride. Here are a few benefits and best practices I have learned about cover crops.
WEBINAR: Cover Crops & Spring Management
1 CEU in Soil and Water Management
What To Do When the Water Doesn’t Turn Off – Managing Cover Crops in a Wet Spring
We all remember years when planting conditions were difficult due to excess moisture. Who could forget 2019, when it seemed the rain would never [...]
New research results provide more cover crop recommendations
Updated from the 2019 edition and expanded to 16 pages, the new Guide encourages adopters to think a “systems” approach when it comes to [...]