Is there a perfect soybean plant?
The question: Is there a perfect soybean plant and did you pick the perfect plant type this season? The answer: In today’s modern soybean [...]
All About Populations
One of the most important decisions growers make every year is the selection of planting populations for both corn and soybeans. In both cases [...]
Upcoming Technology Choices in Soybeans
There is a lot of talk about the soybean technology trait options growers can choose from in the upcoming years. Between Round Up Ready [...]
Selecting Soybean Maturities
This article was originally written for the "Burrus Buzz." Several industry experts have been urging growers to plant soybeans earlier and earlier. There is [...]
Soybean Breeding Today
Soybeans have been grown in the United States since 1851 when Dr. Benjamin Franklin Edwards received a packet of seeds from a Japanese sailor. [...]
WEBINAR: Improved Seed Treatment Stewardship Through Innovation
In 2018, nearly 89 million acres each of corn and soybean were planted across the United States. The seed treatment products available for growers [...]
Soybean Seeding Rates
Most growers with more than 20 years under their belt recall planting soybeans in narrow rows with a drill at populations of 225,000 to [...]
Enlist E3™ Soybeans
American growers have heard a lot about the Enlist™ weed control system coming to market soon in soybeans and many are eagerly awaiting full [...]
Are You Managing Soybeans After R4.5?
In the past 5 years, Illinois soybean yields have risen exponentially compared to the previous 10 – 15 years. A lot of this increase [...]
PODCAST: Soybean Flowering and Pod Development
Todd Steinacher, CCA Soy Envoy and west-central Illinois regional agronomist with AgriGold, discusses early soybean development, flowering and pod formation, how to detect pod [...]