Agronomy: Are You Ready to Take the Challenge?
ISA’s Yield Challenge is a great way to push your soybean production to new levels and experiment with new production practices on your farm. [...]
Agronomy: Why the World Needs Illinois Soybeans
During the last 100 years, we have seen numerous changes and challenges in the soybean global marketplace. For Illinois soybeans to stay competitive in [...]
Agronomy: Take a Look Back to Tap into the Future
Soybeans once flew under the radar. Not anymore. This magical bean has come a long way since its quiet start in Illinois 100 years [...]
Agronomy: Is It Planting Time or Just Planting Fever?
There’s no telling how spring 2014 will go. In 2012, beans were planted very early; in 2013, very late. The important lesson learned is [...]
Disease: Treat Seedlings to a Great Start
Yield potential is never as high as the day your soybeans are planted. Thanks to the advances of modern soybean genetics, soybeans now come [...]
Agronomy: Move Over Corn. It’s the Decade of the Bean.
Corn and soybeans have long been the bread and butter of Midwestern agriculture, yet it seems soybeans still finish second. Illinois growers can raise [...]
Agronomy: Looking back on the season ahead
Remember the old adage, “Begin with the end in mind?” It’s a great way to approach the planning of a crop year, so take [...]
Agronomy: Your Illinois Soybean Checkoff Continues to Lead (and Listen)
Welcome to ISA’s newest resource for farmers—the one place completely dedicated to the community of Illinois soy producers. This site not only has the [...]