Wheat Harvest Fast Approaching
An unusual winter leads to the potential for an unusually early wheat harvest in 2017. With the mild, almost spring-like weather in January and [...]
Soybean Planting Tips to Start the Season Right
This article was originally posted by Syngenta's Know More, Grow More agronomy blog Plant early: Typically, most soybeans are planted between late April and early [...]
Cold Stress in Soybeans at Seeding
Soybean seeds experience their own form of hypothermia just like mammals do. Cold soils and cold water impact the seed more than you might [...]
Soybean Seed Treatment Evaluation at Emergence
Seeing is believing. Treating soybean seed is a good investment in yield. Billions of dollars are invested by many companies to bring the best [...]
Increasing soybean’s ability to handle stress
Enroll in the 2017 Yield Challenge side-by-side comparison and test out a product that “immunizes” a plant to improve its ability to handle stress. [...]
Variable seeding saves money
Variable-rate seeding is a practice you should adopt with today’s precision farming technology and hydraulically driven planters. Considering high seed costs, erratic weather conditions [...]
Strategies for Planting Soybeans Late
What to consider if rain delays soybean planting past May 15. As we progress later into the soybean growing season, you may be asking [...]
Top 5 Reasons to Reduce Your Soybean Populations
Original article posted on the Burrus Buzz. Seeding rate, actual plant population, and row spacing are all tied together. In the past, a higher [...]
Soybeans are planted. Now what?
Now that your soybeans are up, take time to evaluate your soybean stand. Once a soybean seed is planted it’s in the hands of [...]
An Unusual Wheat Season
With frequent spates of warm weather this winter, it’s been an unusual wheat growing year. Not long ago, growing wheat in southern Illinois seemed [...]