Learning How to Produce High-Yield No-Till Soybeans
“No-till, no yield.” Ask any farmer who uses no-till in his management system, and he’ll probably tell you that one of his conventional-till neighbors [...]
Soybean Development – Reproduction Phase
Soybeans are flowering, so it’s a good time to review reproductive stages. Soybeans begin to flower around June 21 or summer solstice. A few [...]
Are Your Soybeans Nodulating?
Non-nodulating soybeans in 2015, in 2016 and again in 2017. I have received a deluge (pun intended) of questions regarding the overall lack of [...]
Double Cropping Soybeans – Follow These Five Tips
Whether planting soybeans late or double-cropping soybeans early, management is similar. Here are five tips to consider adopting: Plant as soon as the soil [...]
Selecting Double-Crop Soybean Varieties
Wheat harvest will be early this year, so now is the time to think about what soybeans varieties you want to double-crop after wheat. [...]
PODCAST: Managing the 2017 soybean crop
It’s another record year for soybean acres planted, as 10 - 15 percent of planned corn acres were shifted to soybeans due to the [...]
Raising High-Yielding Soybeans Can Be A Challenge, Part 2
Editor’s note: This is the second in a series of three articles on the role of hormones in soybean plants. Soybean reproduction is all [...]
Participate in an opportunity to improve soybean health
Want to harness the power of microbial products to improve soybean health, resist stress and increase yield? Enroll in the 2017 Yield Challenge Side-by-Side [...]
Planning Soybean Populations with Delayed Planting
We experienced one of the wettest springs on record across Illinois. This delayed planting and caused some replant conditions this season as well. With [...]
PODCAST: Evaluating Early Season Plant Health
ISA is continuing its ILSoyAdvisor.com podcasts, connecting agronomy experts with Illinois farmers to share their insights, experiences and recommendations on growing high-yielding, profitable soybeans. [...]