Reaching for 100
The Illinois Soybean Association has been sponsoring the Yield Challenge since 2010. The contest allows growers to compete for the highest soybean yield and [...]
Soypocalypse 2018: An Envoy Discussion
In July, we have an opportunity to review the first half of the soybean growing season. Soybeans have moved into the reproductive stages and [...]
Help! What happened to my stand of soybeans?
Learn to diagnose field problems when they happen. Any agronomist would tell a farmer to scout each field multiple times a year. That is [...]
Factors Influencing Yield
As with corn plants, soybean plants have very defined reproductive stages. These stages are determined based off the size and development of the seed [...]
Double-crop soybeans in the ground: What do I need to do now?
If you took  Kelly Robertson’s advice from last month’s blog, you’re on your way to a successful double-crop season. The main drawback is having [...]
Dwarf Beans Anyone?
Growers want tall soybeans that canopy over the row and have lots of nodes and a few lower branches to produce a lot of [...]
Cover Crops and Herbicide Carryover
Planning to plant covers this fall? Plan your residual herbicide strategy accordingly. The increased adoption of soil residual herbicides in soybeans to control herbicide [...]
Tracking node count
Soybean yield is determined largely by number of seeds per acre. The more seeds the bigger the yield. Seed size and weight also plays [...]
Summer Scouting Important for Top Soybean Yields
Beans got off to a rough start and growers are seeing some unexpected issues pop up. Temperatures across much of Illinois continue to be [...]
Tips for planning and producing a 100-bushel crop.
If you have ever seen the movie Groundhog Day, you may be able to relate to the main character’s constant dilemma, which is being [...]