Warm Fall Weather Leads to Increase in Wheat Planting
As we approach the last week of October, most of the wheat seeding is complete in Illinois and as we count acres, wheat planting [...]
Wheat-Double-Crop Soybeans Competitive with Corn
This article was originally published on the farmdoc Daily website by Gary Schnitkey, Krista Swanson and Carl Zulauf. As wheat planting season approaches, we [...]
Wheat Quality Considerations
The wheat crop in southern Illinois has been through a lot since last fall but has seemed to persevere, and the yield outlook is [...]
2019 Double-Crop Soybeans Are “East Bound and Down”
In the Jerry Reed song “East Bound and Down” from the movie "Smokey and the Bandit" part of the chorus is “we have a [...]
Doubling Down on Double-Crop
Soil Health Action Plan: Crop rotation is an important piece of David Droste’s nutrient management plan Wheat, cover crops and no-till practices help preserve [...]
Double-Crop Conference
The Double-Crop Conference, hosted by the Illinois Wheat Association and the Illinois Soybean Association, was held on January 31st, 2019, in Mount Vernon, Illinois, [...]
Double-Crop Conference
Double-cropping soybeans after wheat or other crops is a popular rotation that is more profitable than a single crop like corn. This rotation is [...]
Maturity Group Considerations for Double-Crop Soybeans
Double-cropping soybeans after wheat lets a grower harvest three crops in two years. Recently, there has been a lot of interest in planting ultra-early [...]
Planting Wheat in Your Double-Crop Rotation
In an issue of the Cool Bean Advisor newsletter, University of Wisconsin wheat and soybean specialist Shawn Conley shared his top winter wheat establishment [...]
Mark Your Calendars: Double-Cropping Field Days
To learn about new opportunities to double-crop soybeans and the latest best management practices available, plan to attend one of four 2-hour events. The [...]