Cover Crops

Under Cover

I’ve always wanted pictures of a cover crop peeking out from underneath of a light blanket of sparkling white snow. It’s turned into a [...]

By |February 16, 2021|

Cover Crop Goals

This article was originally published in the November issue of Illinois Field & Bean magazine. Do cover crops work? That depends on the definition [...]

By |December 4, 2020|

When to Seed Fall Crops

Here in late August 2020, the days are getting shorter and we’ve been waking up to unseasonably cool morning temperatures that remind us fall [...]

By |August 24, 2020|

Cover Crop Termination

Spring green up and growth of cover crops is occurring and has been for several weeks in some areas. You should consider terminating cover [...]

By |April 15, 2020|

Relay Cropping Soybeans

Many producers in Southern Illinois double-crop soybeans after wheat and this creates an additional opportunity for revenue for the farm. In addition, winter wheat [...]

By |June 29, 2019|
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