Dan Davidson

Tracking node count

Soybean yield is determined largely by number of seeds per acre. The more seeds the bigger the yield. Seed size and weight also plays [...]

By |July 6, 2018|

Remediating Abiotic Stress

Abiotic stress impacts metabolism, growth and yield—it’s that simple. Abiotic stresses are caused by drought, excessive water-logging or flooding, extreme cold or heat, salinity, [...]

By |June 11, 2018|

Seeing Iron Deficiency

Iron deficiency is not as common in Illinois as other parts of the Corn Belt, particularly in states like the Dakotas, Nebraska, Western Minnesota [...]

By |May 21, 2018|

Does Technology Pay?

At the January 2018 Soybean Summit in Springfield, Ill., growers submitted these questions with their evaluation forms. What are the practices with the most [...]

By |May 7, 2018|
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