Tracking node count
Soybean yield is determined largely by number of seeds per acre. The more seeds the bigger the yield. Seed size and weight also plays [...]
Volunteer Corn Impacts Yield
So just how much yield loss comes from volunteer corn? In Roundup Ready®, Xtend® or Liberty® beans, volunteer corn from the previous corn crop [...]
Harvesting High Moisture Wheat
If you double-crop soybeans after wheat, consider harvesting the wheat at high moisture. If you double-crop soybeans after wheat and want to increase soybean [...]
Remediating Abiotic Stress
Abiotic stress impacts metabolism, growth and yield—it’s that simple. Abiotic stresses are caused by drought, excessive water-logging or flooding, extreme cold or heat, salinity, [...]
Key to Yield is Keeping Pods
At the end of the day, the yield of soybeans is determined by the number of pods per acre. The greater the number of [...]
Seeing Iron Deficiency
Iron deficiency is not as common in Illinois as other parts of the Corn Belt, particularly in states like the Dakotas, Nebraska, Western Minnesota [...]
Adopt an Early Wheat System for Double-Crop Soybeans
If you double-crop soybeans after wheat, and want to your soybean crop to yield respectably, you must manage the previous wheat crop and the [...]
Does Technology Pay?
At the January 2018 Soybean Summit in Springfield, Ill., growers submitted these questions with their evaluation forms. What are the practices with the most [...]
Coming Soon: Double-Cropping Blog Series
A series of articles focused on managing the double-crop rotation are coming this season. In southern Illinois, along I-64 and I-70, double-cropping soybeans after [...]
Join the Race: Enter the Yield Challenge
Interested in entering a soybean contest? Reach out to professionals and sponsors to test an idea. Interested in breaking your own soybean yield record, [...]