Double-cropping soybeans after wheat or other crops is a popular rotation that is more profitable than a single crop like corn. This rotation is practiced from Texas to the East Coast and as far north as Michigan and Ontario. In Illinois it’s primarily practiced in the southern third of the state.
There are opportunities to improve the profitability and quality of wheat and yield and profitability of soybeans in the rotation by adopting the latest best management practices. In addition, research is showing that this rotation can move farther north in the state by adoption of the early wheat harvest system and the right soybean maturity.
If you grow wheat and double-crop soybeans and want to learn how to improve the yield and profitability of both, attend the fourth annual Double-Crop Conference in Mt. Vernon on Jan. 31. The conference will bring together growers and industry to talk about the challenges faced when double-cropping and the solutions available. To register and find more information
click here.
The conference is sponsored by both the Illinois Wheat and Soybean Associations. The team has lined up a relevant set of topics and expert speakers to share the latest best management practices. The program is below.
8:00 a.m. Registration & Visit the Exhibits Registration and Coffee/Rolls
9:00 a.m. Welcome and Introductions – ISA Director Nick Harre, District 17
9:10 a.m. Grain Market Outlook for 2019
Todd Hubbs, Agricultural Economist, University of Illinois
10:00 a.m. Break
10:15 a.m. Protecting your high-yield wheat crop
Kaitlyn Bissonnette, Extension Plant Pathologist, University of Missouri
11:10 a.m. Protect your wheat and soybean crops from pests
Nick Seiter, Extension Entomologist, University of Illinois
12:00 p.m. Visit Exhibits and Lunch
12:55 pm Afternoon introductions – Michael Dogerty (Co-Emcee), IWA
1:00 p.m. Full crop and double-crop profitability in 2019
Gary Schnitkey, Professor and farm management specialist, University of Illinois
1:50 p.m. Importance of managing for wheat quality
Carl Schwinke, Vice President of Grain Supply, Siemer Milling
2:20 p.m. Wheat Residue Suppression of SCN – What We Are Learning from One Year
Jason Bond, Professor and Pathologist, Southern Illinois University
2:40 p.m. Managing double-crop soybeans
John Pike, Pike Ag, LLC
3:25 pm Wrap-up and Close – John Ernst, IWA President
3:30 p.m. Adjourn to IWA Annual Meeting and Door Prizes (must be present to win)