The Illinois Soybean Association Agronomy team spent the whole three days at Farm Progress Show in our newly developed soybean plots discussing agronomic and research topics such as soil health, soybean cyst nematode, weed identification, and pest management. A cover crop plot was also exhibited with over 15 species being demonstrated from clover to winter pea. A lot of effort and behind-the-scenes work went into the plots, and we want to thank Richland Community College and Farm Progress for allowing us to develop this site. In the off years of FPS, we will host a field day for farmers and agronomists.

If you didn’t make it to the plots in Decatur, or if you’re curious about our team’s initiatives and programming, watch the video and spend a day with us at Farm Progress Show!

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About the Author: Kelsey Litchfield

Kelsey Litchfield is the Agronomic Outreach Specialist for the Illinois Soybean Association. In her role, she manages Field Advisor's media platforms and assists the agronomy team with events and field days. A native of Rio, IL, Kelsey earned her bachelor’s degree from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2017 where she double majored in Agricultural Communications and Broadcast Journalism.


  1. Brad Daugherty October 26, 2023 at 1:34 pm

    Good video! Congratulations to all who helped with the Farm Progress Show. Job well done!

  2. Jim Whitham November 14, 2023 at 8:31 am

    This is what that check I write is for?

  3. Kelsey Litchfield November 14, 2023 at 1:12 pm

    Hi Jim,

    Illinois Soybean Assoc. invests checkoff dollars toward programs and initiatives thoughtfully designed to support the success and profitability of Illinois soybean farmers. The demonstration plot in Decatur will be used for education and outreach for farmers, students and all who want to learn more about soybean production. Our work includes efforts to build and maintain thriving markets for soy, conducting production research to identify and support the implementation of sustainable production practices on farm, and communicating information, resources, and opportunities designed to boost your bottom line. We welcome and appreciate feedback from the state’s farmers. Your feedback is valuable in shaping the decisions being made on your behalf.

    If you’d like to connect further on the work we’re doing in this space, please contact you!

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