This project continues work to develop additional lines of varietal resistance to soybean cyst nematode (SCN). Researchers have identified three- and four-gene combinations and will develop lines with those stacks so farmers can rotate different genetic modes of resistance to manage and reduce SCN populations.
Read below for a project update provided by Dr. Eliana Monteverde.
“In August 2024, we did crosses in the field with the relevant parent combinations for each gene introgression. We harvested pods in October and planted the F1 seed in the greenhouse. We are now doing crosses in the greenhouse for the gene combination 2.
In January, we will harvest F2 seed from combination 1, and F1 seed from crosses done in the greenhouse. We will send all this seed to Puerto Rico for generation advancement.”
To learn more about this new checkoff funded research study, visit the Field Advisor Research Hub here.