
Growing the On-Farm Trial Network

Learn about Illinois Soybean Association's new effort to develop an on-farm trial network that will address agronomic issues farmers are seeking more information on. In this video, learn more about how to get involved and the topics the on-farm trial network will aim to address.

By |March 11, 2024|

Achieving High Yield Soybeans While Protecting the Soil

At the recent Soybean Summit, Chris Weaver, a farmer and agronomist from Maryland, discussed his experience in enhancing soybean yields while protecting the soil. With his success of reaching 158 bu/ac on non-irrigated land, his goal is to grow 200+ bushels of no-till, non-irrigated soybeans. Listen here for his full presentation.

By |March 6, 2024|

Early Soybean Planting – Benefits and Risks

There are some yield advantages to planting early as well as some risks. Where does this yield advantage come from and how can we best manage the risks of planting early? Dr. Shawn Conley, University of Wisconsin-Madison answers these questions for you.

By |March 4, 2024|

The Challenge: Winning Against Weeds

In this Better Beans presentation, Meaghan Anderson highlights how rapidly waterhemp resistance is outpacing herbicide development. She emphasizes the need for custom herbicide programs and for farmers to adopt non-chemical strategies.

By |February 22, 2024|

Soybean Stem Diseases in Illinois

In this Better Beans presentation, Dr. Jason Bond provides an update on a research project funded by IL Soybean, focusing on soybean stem diseases. He covers the collection of samples, shares results, and discusses incidences of specific diseases including anthracnose, SDS, charcoal rot, and more throughout the state.

By |February 16, 2024|
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