Attention Double Crop Producers: March 15th Crop Insurance Deadline Approaching
The USDA Risk Management announced this summer that agricultural producers may have options for double crop soybeans (or other crops) insurance in counties where the “Following Another Crop” (FAC) practice in not available.
ILSoyAdvisor Promotes Agronomic Insights & Connections
Throughout the months of January and February, the ILSoyAdvisor events brought together key industry experts and local resources to support growers in their efforts to hit higher yields, improve profitability and grow better beans.
Call for Applications: Leopold Conservation Award
Leopold Conservation Awards recognize extraordinary achievement in voluntary conservation, inspire other landowners through their example, and help the general public understand the vital role private landowners play in conservation success.
Your Fields, Our Priority
Our team will be on the road across Illinois this growing season with regional data and to connect you with the right individuals to assist you on your farm.
Cover Crop Species Selection
Even though we commonly hear about farmers being encouraged to plant “cover crops”, cover crops are not one single species or crop. Anyone following the conservation movement has heard of at least a few of the different options available.
The Illinois Centennial Soil Archive Project
Dr. Margenot is looking to re-sample sites across the state to understand how Illinois soils have changed and evolved over time.
Making Cover Crops Work For You – A Spring Workshop
This spring workshop is presented by Williamson County Soil and Water Conservation District in cooperation with the Illinois Soybean Association, Pike Ag, LLC and USDA NRCS.
Evaluation and Commercialization of SOYLEIC Varieties in Illinois
Illinois farmers will have more options for high-yielding SOYLEIC varieties adapted to the various growing environments across the state. This will allow them to capitalize on premium market opportunities in the food industry and various industrial uses.
Registration Open for Regenerative Grazing Winter Field Days
Winter livestock management topics will be covered such as water/housing/winter infrastructure, pasture management, and winter rations.
NREC Investment Insights LIVE Recap
Since 2012, Illinois farmers and retailers have invested over $30 million into nutrient efficiency research and this annual event is an opportunity for the researchers to share their findings and pass along the best management practices that have been identified or refined through the process.