Wrestling with the Interpretation of Soil Test Results and Fertilizer Recommendations for Phosphorus and Potassium
As the 2024 growing season approaches, concerns about high input costs, decreasing commodity prices, and supply chain issues are escalating. Ensuring accurate calculations for crop budgets becomes crucial, especially with expenses like land rental and chemical costs already accounted for, leaving fertilizer as a potential area for cost-cutting despite its importance.
Digging Up the Dirt with Pike
Southern Illinois consultant, John Pike, shares recent observations of soil conditions in a field, noting the effects of tillage on soil compaction and water infiltration.
ILSoyAdvisor Soy Envoys Selected For 2024 Growing Season
Six certified crop advisers and agronomists will serve as ILSoyAdvisor Soy Envoys for the 2024 growing season. They will provide updates from around the state through the Field Notes blog and ILSoyAdvisor Crop Report.
Cover Crop Planting Dates in Soybean & Corn Rotations: Lessons Learned from Year One of ISA-Funded Study
This Illinois Soybean Association funded project, lead by Nathan Johanning of Illinois Extension, reveals insights from the first year of a cover crop planting date study. The team found that lower seeding rates of early-planted cereal rye cut seed costs and had similar biomass. Late planting still offered good growth into mid-Nov and maximizing biomass by delaying termination until maturity showed no yield reduction in soybeans in most cases.
Ready, Set, Go: Planter Prep Checklist
Spring is in the air for IL soybean producers. From field prep to reports of planters in action, signs of early soybean planting are surfacing statewide. Is your planter ready to go? Listen here.
Savvy Full Season Soybean Management Webinar Series
Science for Success is hosting a three-part virtual webinar series to discuss strategies farmers can utilize to optimize soybean yield. This webinar series will explore some of the many management decisions soybean farmers face throughout the growing season.
Combating Soybean Cyst Nematode With Advancements In Genomic and Breeding Technologies
Participate in an ILSoyAdvisor webinar on March 14th, discovering the advancements in genomic and breeding technologies to tackle the evolving soybean cyst nematode resistance challenges such as those found in PI 88788 and Peking.
Is It Time To Up Your “Soil Health Game” With Livestock?
A regional project called “Match Made In Heaven: Livestock + Crops” is surveying farmers to learn about a growing movement to reintegrate crop and livestock systems in the cornbelt.
Highlights and Results from the 2nd Annual Soybean Summit Student Research Poster Competition
Jennifer Jones recaps the annual Soybean Summit, spotlighting Illinois college students and their soybean production research. Students had the unique opportunity to present research to farmers and industry members.
Analyzing Crimson Clover and Balansa Clover Planting Date in Illinois Row Crops
Nathan Johanning shares observations from the field regarding planting dates for crimson clover and balansa clover after no-till soybeans going into corn.