There have been reports over the past three growing seasons of sub-par waterhemp control from glufosinate in soybeans. This Illinois Soybean Association checkoff funded project is digging into how environmental factors, such as humidity, temperature and light intensity, interact with time of application and impact glufosinate efficacy.
Here is the latest project update provided by Dr. Pat Tranel.
“This fall, transcriptome sequences were obtained from four suspected glufosinate-resistant (R) populations and two sensitive control populations. Seed was collected from an R × R cross; this seed will be used for growth chamber experiments.
Over the winter, transcriptome sequences will be analyzed to investigate resistance mechanisms. Growth chamber studies will begin at the University of Illinois.”
More updates will be provided once available.
To learn more about this new Illinois Soybean checkoff funded research, visit the Field Advisor Research Hub here.