Pest Management2023-12-21T11:31:13-06:00

Pest Management


The pests you face in your fields continue to evolve, and so too must the management practices you use to defend your crops from them. Projects focused on Pest Management dig into which insects, diseases, pathogens and weeds are attacking your crops; what effect they have on crop productivity; when they need to be controlled; and which tools you can use to manage them.


Assessing the Impact of Cover Crops on SCN Populations in Field Conditions2024-08-27T18:59:18-05:00

This project is using five established cover crop fields throughout Illinois to determine how different types of cover crops affect soybean cyst nematode (SCN) populations. Insights will be used to provide the state’s soybean farmers with improved management recommendations.

Soybean Stem Pests: Survey, Impact and Education2024-08-27T18:58:39-05:00

Continuing work already underway across Illinois’ soybean fields, this project aims to identify new and emerging stem diseases and insect pests that negatively impact soybean production and yield. It will assess management practices and help prioritize future research to determine best management practices.

Assessing Insect Pest Effects on Yield and ROI of Pest Control Inputs2024-08-27T18:42:53-05:00

This multi-year project aims to identify the insect pests affecting Illinois soybean crops, their impact on soybean yield and the return on investment of control mechanisms. It will help determine threshold levels for insect pests responsible for reducing grain quality and yield, as well as develop integrated pest management recommendations.

Documenting the Extent of Resistance to Group 15 Herbicides in Illinois Waterhemp Populations2024-08-27T18:40:20-05:00

To better understand the frequency of resistance to Group 15 herbicides, this project will collect and screen waterhemp populations from Illinois soybean fields. Results will be used to provide farmers with recommendations on how best to incorporate these herbicides into integrated weed management programs. Resistant populations will be used in subsequent research to identify the gene(s) conferring the metabolism-based resistance.

Free SCN Testing for IL Soybean Farmers2024-08-27T18:39:15-05:00

Known as the billion-dollar pest, soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is reported to annually cost North American soybean producers $1.5 billion in lost yield. Even with such a large number, many farmers are unaware if or how SCN is impacting their soybean yield. This project aims to change that by providing free SCN soil sampling to understand presence, population and response to available varietal resistance.

Are you a farmer or advisor?

If you’re a farmer or advisor, we invite you to take our Soybean Production Concerns Survey linked below to help guide future ISA research efforts. We also encourage you to contact us below with specific production challenge research ideas.

Are you a researcher?

If you’re a researcher interested in working with ISA on a project, we encourage you to contact us with your ideas. The RFP will open in early March. Contact us below to be added to the mailing list for more information.

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