Monsanto hosted a webinar on “Managing the Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System in 2017. Presenters were Chris Kamienski, a Monsanto technology development representative and Lance Tarochione, a Monsanto technical agronomist. The webinar can be viewed here. The presentation reviewed Xtendimax™ herbicide, product use and stewardship.

It was an excellent webinar and I highly encourage you to listen to the recording. Below are some of the highlights from the webinar on Xtendimax herbicide. Lance Tarochione will post a blog on Xtendimax setbacks and buffers and how to understand and implement them on your farm.

XtendiMax herbicide is based on dicamba DGA (diglycolamine salt) and is labeled for applications on Xtend soybeans. The formulation contains Vapor Grip™ technology that reduces the volatility of the dicamba spray mix. The product is a 2.9 lbs./gallon liquid and a 22-oz. application delivers 0.5 lb. of dicamba.

Minimum application rate for any use is 22 oz./A. The maximum rate per application prior to soybean emergence is 44 oz./A, which is the total maximum allowed for all applications prior to soybean emergence. The maximum rate per application after soybean emergence is 22 oz./A, and the total of all Post applications (up to two) can’t exceed 44 oz./A. The total applied per year can’t exceed 88 oz./A.

Post applications can be made from emergence up to and including the R1 stage of soybean growth. Weeds should be less than 4 inches tall at time of post application. The label states that Monsanto will not warrant product performance when applied to weeds greater than 4 inches tall. Do not apply aerially.

Currently XtendiMax can’t be tank-mixed with any adjuvants, drift reducing agents or other herbicides. Allowed tank-mixes will be listed at

Use of ammonium sulfate, UAN aren’t not allowed due to their potential to increase volatility. There will be approval of products to mitigate hard water issues so monitor the website.

Currently the only nozzle allowed is the Turbo TeeJet® (TTI11004) with a maximum pressure of 63 psi; minimum spray volume of 10 gpa; maximum ground speed of 15 mph; spray boom should be no more than 24 inches above target; and no aerial application. Monsanto anticipates that other nozzles will be approved.

While the product is rainfast in two hours, don’t apply if rain is forecast within the next 24 hours following application to prevent risk of runoff. Don’t apply during temperature inversions.

Wind speed and application are important criteria when making an application. If less than 3 mph, do not apply; 3 to 10 mph is optimum for application; if greater than 10 to 15 mph do not apply when wind is blowing toward nontarget sensitive crops; if greater than 15 mph do not apply.

Triple rinse spraying tanks after application. A very small amount of dicamba residual can still cup nondicamba tolerant soybean leaflets.

And the restricted re-entry (REI) interval following application is 24 hours after application.

For additional information visit. – Stewardship, label and other information – Application information – Stewardship and Education

Soybean agronomist Daniel Davidson, Ph.D. posts blogs on agronomy-related topics. Feel free to contact him at or ring him at 402-649-5919.

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About the Author: Dan Davidson

Soybean agronomist Daniel Davidson, Ph.D., posts blogs on topics related to soybean agronomy. Feel free to contact him at or ring him at 402-649-5919.