
If you find yourself wondering what happened when, look no further than the Crop Report Archive. We’ve compiled past reports, listing the most recent first. You can search by Region, Month, or Reporter to find information.

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Region 5
Doug Gucker

All crops are planted. Corn growth stages vary from emerging to almost V3 with third leaf almost fully developed. Soybean are similar varying between just breaking through the ground to first trifoliate.

Region 5
05/03/2023, Champaign
Nick Seiter

Reports of insect activity so far have focused on large/early flights of black cutworm and true armyworm, likely helped along by storms out of the southwest a couple of weeks ago. Both species are more likely to be a problem if dense vegetation is present in the field; black cutworms are especially attracted to winter annual weeds, while armyworm prefers dense grassy vegetation. Be on the lookout for seedling pests (including seed corn maggot, slugs, wireworms, etc.), which can become a problem when cool conditions delay emergence.

Region 5
05/03/2023, Macon
Dennis Bowman

On May 3rd, on a crossroad survey of a 60 mile loop across northern and eastern Macon County, 80 percent of fields were planted. Corn emergence out-paced soybean emergence by about 6 to 1. The ratio varied greatly by neighborhood. The only field activity observed was widely scattered planting, dust clouds made it easy to spot.

Region 6
05/03/2023, Monroe
Nathan Johanning

Like many we are very dry. Despite the cool weather, the last few fronts that have passed through over the last few weeks have not left much more than a few tenths of rain. That coupled with the windy conditions, has really dried things out. We are on the down hill side of full season corn and soybean planting with the only major slow down in planting has been some cooler weather, however, that pattern is supposed to break for more spring-like temperatures. There are some corn and soybean fields up, but just barely enough that you can row them from the road. Even the earliest planted has been very slow to emerge with the cool weather and lows still dropping to near 40 degrees some nights. Wheat is appreciating the dry weather and modest temperatures and is looking very good. Hopefully we will catch some rain here in the next week!

Region 5
05/03/2023, Champaign
Nick Seiter

We are likely in the cutting window in much of the state for black cutworm larvae. I have not received reports of damage yet; in addition to the timing of moth flights, note that the fields at risk of cutworm damage are generally those that have a problem with winter annual weeds – especially when those weeds are dying at around the time the crop emerges. If you had adequate, early control of these winter annuals, even a large moth flight is unlikely to result in much cutworm damage.

Region 5
05/03/2023, Champaign
Nick Seiter

Continue to monitor corn and soybean fields for cutworms and armyworms. I have not had many reports of damage to this point – good early season emergence conditions go a long way towards helping the crop “outrun” this sort of damage. We ought to start seeing rootworm egg hatch over the next couple of weeks – I browsed degree day accumulations for several weather stations throughout Illinois, and most are relatively close to the 11 year average for this time of year (some a bit ahead, and some a bit behind).

Region 5
04/25/2023, Champaign
Kris Ehler

Soybeans planted 4/10-13 are emerging with freeze and frost potential.

Region 3
Karen Corrigan

Damp and cold

Region 3
Karen Corrigan

Sprayers are out! The next few days will be great drying weather and I’ve heard Wednesday is the Go day for many farmers in McLean County.

Region 5
, Champaign
Talon Becker

Although some rain fell in much of the area this past Sunday, total rainfall was low (0.14” at the Illinois Climate Network (ICN) station in Champaign) and conditions remain dry in Champaign County. ICN soil moisture data show levels below the plant wilting point at 2” and 4” depths, however, at least where these instruments are in place, plant available moisture is still present at 8” and deeper. The lack of soil moisture at the shallower depths is evident when driving around the countryside. Corn plants in drier areas of fields are showing rolled leaves even in the morning hours. By the afternoon, the signs of moisture stress are more prevalent. Most corn plants are somewhere in the V5-V8 stages, and at that size, have at least some roots that are deep enough to reach the soil moisture still available. Soybeans may be struggling a bit more at this point, and their growth seems to have slowed in most fields. The plants still look relatively healthy, and the first flowers are starting to appear. But with little rain in the extended forecast, these early flowers are unlikely to contribute much to final pod counts.