
If you find yourself wondering what happened when, look no further than the Crop Report Archive. We’ve compiled past reports, listing the most recent first. You can search by Region, Month, or Reporter to find information.

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Region 6
05/31/2023, Franklin
Talon Becker

It was a warm, dry week in Franklin County, like much of the state. With this, soils in the better drained fields or parts of fields are getting dry enough that crop growth appears to have slowed. However, with relatively good soil moisture levels in the county heading into this week, plant stress is still minimal, particularly in the lower lying areas. That may change as we head into next week with little rain in the forecast and temps still in the 90s on some days. The wheat in the area is still looking good overall, and much of it has started to senesce.

Region 6
05/26/2023, Franklin
Talon Becker

Unlike much of the rest of the state, soils in Franklin County are relatively moist. Some of the lowest lying and/or poorest drained fields are being planted this week and will likely wrap up by early next week. There are small low spots in some earlier planted fields that will likely need to be replanted, but those areas are relatively few. Corn that has emerged is generally somewhere in the V2 to V4 stage, and emerged soybeans are generally closer to V1-V2. As we move into next week, the hot and dry conditions may start to cause some crop stress on the tops of hills and/or in areas with a shallow clay or fragipan layer. But these dry conditions will also allow for timely weed control operations, as germinating waterhemp is now commonly visible and at the optimal stage for control. Wheat in the area is still looking good, and despite the dry weather in the forecast, will likely have sufficient moisture available for good seed fill.

Region 6
05/25/2023, Saline
Kelly Robertson

Wireworms are being found and hurting stands in April planted corn on hills and Sandy soils in Saline Co this week. Scout fields now.

Region 6
05/25/2023, White
Leo Rocha

This is the same field in White County from my 05/17 report. Plants have reached V3 stage (V1-V2 last week). Great overall weed control, along with some post-herbicide application injuries (see photos). The recent precipitation has left the fields with high moisture levels, but the dry and warm forecast along with elevated sand content in this region may cause water stress soon.

Region 5
05/25/2023, Champaign
Kris Ehler

Dry conditions persist. Stress from dryness is showing in compacted or root restricted areas. Replant has wrapped up in areas that received large rains 2 weeks ago.

Region 4
05/25/2023, Mason
Stephanie Porter

Conditions appear very, dry with some moisture still in the ground for recent replanted areas. Irrigation was running on corn. Crops have not quite show signs of drought stress yet but are close.

Region 3
Russ Higgins

Much of Northeastern Illinois has had a precipitation-free week. Soils are drying rapidly. Soy planted just before the most recent rainfall event is struggling to emerge in some fields. The soy hypocotyl cannot push through the crusted soil surface. Fields planted in this time period warrant a field scouting trip to evaluate emerged plant population. Most corn is near the V4 stage, Waterhemp has also emerged and is growing quickly in fields. Be aware of size restrictions on both crop and weeds with planned post herbicide applications. Sidedressing of corn with nitrogen and harvesting the first cutting of hay is underway in the region.

Region 5
Doug Gucker

Corn is in the V6 to V2 growth stage, except for replanted areas. Soybeans are V3 to V1 growth stage. Crusting in some soybean fields is causing stand variability where planting was done just ahead of the early May heavy rains. Rotary hoeing may have paid in some of these fields. Currently farmers are side-dressing N in corn and are making post-emergence herbicide applications. The past week saw only minor amounts of rainfall across DeWitt and Macon Counties.

Region 1
05/24/2023, Ogle
Kathryn Seebruck

A rain event at the end of last week slowed planting a bit but the string of dry days that have followed this week have allowed growers to catch up. Most fields in the area have been planted. The light rain and subsequent warm weather have provided fair conditions to help crops emerge.

Region 5
05/24/2023, Macon/Piatt/Champaign
Dennis Bowman

Primary field activities: Replant prairie pot holes, herbicide application, nitrogen side-dressing and hay making. Rapidly drying out and forecast is continuing dry weather.