Announcing the 2nd Annual FFA Water Testing Challenge
Are you an Illinois FFA student, teacher, or leader? The Illinois Corn Growers Association and Illinois Soybean Association have teamed up again to offer the 2nd Annual FFA Water Testing Challenge!
Managing Phosphorus and Carbon in Illinois Soybean Production Systems
In Illinois and the greater North Central region, soybeans are uniquely situated to contribute to nutrient loss reduction and capitalize on proposed carbon crediting programs.
Protecting the Watershed: Is Collaboration the Key to a Sustainable Future?
Investments in sustainable initiatives are becoming mainstream since long term resilience is a priority for the marketplace. Leaders not only have to focus on [...]
Sowing the Seeds in Water Management
Perhaps farmers have been facing their most challenging decade ever. Water management has been an important issue that is discussed globally. The critical nature [...]
Is Your Soybean Crop Thirsty?
Rain. Depending on the season and whether you do not have enough of it or perhaps too much, rain can lead to disappointing failure [...]
These Innovators Make Water Innovation Personal
What will drive the next innovations in agricultural water technology? The February issue of Soy Perspectives highlights three individuals whose personal experiences drove them [...]
Funding Flows Into Local Watershed Efforts
ISA-supported field day highlights best soil and water quality practices and partnerships Thanks to the Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy (NLRS) released in 2015, [...]
GOOD NEWS AND BAD NEWS: Nitrate loads in the Illinois River are down, but not enough to achieve state goals
In case you missed the headlines in the national papers, the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone was the largest in recorded history this summer. [...]
Webinar: Linking BMP and Water Quality Success in Indian Creek Watershed
The Indian Creek Watershed Project is an innovative approach to voluntary adoption of on-farm conservation systems. Chad Watts, executive director with the Conservation Technology [...]
Agronomy: New booklet gives farmers strategies to reduce nitrogen runoff
URBANA, Ill. – The Midwest, blessed with rich soils and abundant precipitation, leads the country and the world in corn and soybean production. It [...]