Soil Health Imperative
Is soil health driving any of your on-farm decisions? Powering up the soil is like supercharging an engine. There are lots of things you [...]
Growth Stages R4-R6: Protect Soybeans from Stress
As we head into pod fill, stress impacts pod survival, development and YIELD. August is the month that puts the finishing touches on the [...]
Do Soybeans Respond to Micros?
A recent Minnesota research study said soybean yield doesn’t respond to a broadcast application of boron, chlorine, manganese and zinc. Deficiency of micronutrients can [...]
Does Poor Soil Fertility Contribute to SDS Outbreak?
Will high soil test K levels protect against SDS or other diseases? More is not always better. With nutrient deficiencies becoming more commonplace, we [...]
Foliar Feeding Soybeans
What makes a good formulation for foliar feeding soybeans? There has been a lot of interest in foliar feeding soybeans since the runup in [...]
Learning How to Produce High-Yield No-Till Soybeans
“No-till, no yield.” Ask any farmer who uses no-till in his management system, and he’ll probably tell you that one of his conventional-till neighbors [...]
Foliar Feeding Soybeans
Retailers commonly promote foliar feeding soybeans. But before deciding on foliar feeding, understand these 10 myths vs. facts. The use and benefit of liquid [...]
Foliar N on Soybeans Can Work – Sometimes
Growers have been asking about applying nitrogen (N) to soybeans. Soybeans have been shown to require more nitrogen than corn; roughly 5 lbs. per [...]
Potassium Deficiencies
Time to start watching for potassium deficiencies in soybeans Soybeans require a whole lot of potassium (K) and remove a whopping 1.4 pounds of [...]
Impacts From The Wet Spring On Our Soybeans
Wet weather not only caused planting delays and replants, but also has impacted the soybean crop. Based off the most recent planting progress report, [...]