Does Soybean Planting Depth Really Matter for High Yields?
In this blog post, ILSoyAdvisor Soy Envoy, Drew Beckman, emphasizes the importance of soybean planting depth, highlighting the impact on emergence and susceptibility to seedling diseases. Read more about his recommendations on planting depth before hitting the fields this planting season.
A Look at Planter Adjustments for Planting into Cover Crops
Harborview Farms have spent a decade experimenting with different corn and soybean planter set-ups to successfully plant green into varying stands of cover crops each spring. Watch the video to explore the various components integrated into their planters, such as roller crimpers, row cleaners, gauge wheels, closing wheels, and more.
Early Planted Soybeans: Let’s Talk About Emergence
It’s been proven that early planted soybeans has its yield advantages. However, Shelby Weckel, ILSoyAdvisor Soy Envoy and Ehler Brothers Seed Sales Agronomist, recommends growers pay closer attention to the timing of soybean emergence during this planting season.
Early Soybean Planting Success
Kelly Robertson, Owner of Precision Crop Services and ILSoyAdvisor Soy Envoy, discusses field conditions for planting soybeans early and the factors that can potentially reduce yields. He examines various scenarios and shares insights from planting into different soil conditions.
Risks, Rewards, and Recommendations for Early Soybean Planting in Illinois
The decision to plant early soybeans comes with risks such as cold temperatures and potential emergence issues, requiring careful planning and communication. However, earlier planting can bring the reward of higher yields. Comparing risk versus reward, Stephanie Porter shares her recommendations for the upcoming planting season.
High Speed Planting for Soybeans
There are advantages and challenges to high speed planting in soybean and corn rotations. Dr. Mike Mulvaney explains more in this Science for Success video.
Ready, Set, Go: Planter Prep Checklist
Spring is in the air for IL soybean producers. From field prep to reports of planters in action, signs of early soybean planting are surfacing statewide. Is your planter ready to go? Listen here.
Early Soybean Planting – Benefits and Risks
There are some yield advantages to planting early as well as some risks. Where does this yield advantage come from and how can we best manage the risks of planting early? Dr. Shawn Conley, University of Wisconsin-Madison answers these questions for you.
Early Planted Soybeans & SCN
IL farmers continue to plant soybeans earlier each year. Dr. Mandy Bish, University of Missouri Extension Specialist, examines the impact of this trend on soybean cyst nematode (SCN) and considers various factors, including weather and environmental conditions, that could potentially increase soybean vulnerability to SCN.