
Scooby-Doo Corn Mystery: What the pHex is Going On?

ISA Outreach Agronomist & CCA, Stephanie Porter, investigates a field with stunted corn with necrotic striping, ultimately pinpointing low soil pH as a culprit alongside corn nematode. Porter highlights the need for pH management and its impact on crop performance.

By |August 21, 2023|

Did You Feed Your Soybean?

To help guide and evaluate fertility decisions for high-yielding soybeans, Stephanie Porter breaks down nutrient requirements to better understand and monitor soybean utilization during the growing season.

By |August 17, 2023|

Shorter Corn this Year?

Have you observed shorter corn this year? ISA Soy Envoy, Kelly Robertson, shares several factors that can lead to shorter-than-normal corn and how it impacts yield.

By |August 11, 2023|
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