
Changes to Dicamba-Containing Products Used in Soybean

On February 6, 2024, a federal court in Arizona vacated the labels of three dicamba-containing products used for in-crop broadleaf weed control in dicamba-resistant soybean varieties. Following the Arizona court ruling, EPA issued an order to allow application of existing stocks of these three dicamba-containing products previously registered for application in dicamba-resistant soybean varieties.

By |February 26, 2024|

The Challenge: Winning Against Weeds

In this Better Beans presentation, Meaghan Anderson highlights how rapidly waterhemp resistance is outpacing herbicide development. She emphasizes the need for custom herbicide programs and for farmers to adopt non-chemical strategies.

By |February 22, 2024|

Soybean Stem Diseases in Illinois

In this Better Beans presentation, Dr. Jason Bond provides an update on a research project funded by IL Soybean, focusing on soybean stem diseases. He covers the collection of samples, shares results, and discusses incidences of specific diseases including anthracnose, SDS, charcoal rot, and more throughout the state.

By |February 16, 2024|

Sulfur Foundations in High Yield Soybeans

Dr. Shaun Casteel discusses intentional soybean management, beginning with establishing a solid foundation and then expanding into different production practices. He also covers considerations for sulfur management in connection to high yield soybean planting, field conditions, and other synergies.

By |February 12, 2024|
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