
Stay Safe During Harvest Season

Harvest is a fun time of year, where you can see what hybrids/varieties did well, what trials outperformed others, and where your hard work paid off. Don’t get complacent and think that every day is going to have the same result. Stay alert, have a great fall and most importantly, stay safe.

By |September 22, 2023|

Precision Drone Applications Take Flight in Farming

Growers and companies are increasingly adopting drones for precise and automated applications of fungicides, insecticides, and fertilizers. ISA Soy Envoy, Matt Herman, discusses how to maximize crop health and yield potential using aerial drone technology.

By |September 21, 2023|

Every Sample Counts: Submit Soybeans for 2023 Quality Survey

Participate in the 2023 Soybean Quality Survey and send in your soybean harvest sample for free. Dr. Seth Naeve from the University of Minnesota invites all U.S. farmers to contribute, and your individual test results will be kept confidential while helping identify the highest-quality soybean varieties.

By |September 19, 2023|

Optimizing Soybean Harvest for Maximum Yields and Profitability

During harvest, optimizing soybean moisture and timing is crucial for efficiency and yield. Illinois Soybean Association Soy Envoy, Kris Ehler, offers valuable insights and tips, emphasizing the importance of monitoring moisture levels and modifying the combine for field conditions.

By |September 18, 2023|

Calibration is Key to Harvest Data Utilization

Don't overlook a crucial step before harvest: the calibration of the combine. Calibration ensures accurate yield detection systems, and although it may seem time-consuming, it's essential for high-quality data that can inform decisions for the next growing season.

By |September 14, 2023|

Find a Cover Crop Seed Dealer Near You!

The Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership announces the release of the Cover Crop Seed Dealers Directory which shares contact information, geography of service, and a list of available conservation cropping services provided by cover crop seed dealers in Illinois.

By |September 13, 2023|

Hurricanes, River Levels, and Harvest

Nutrien Ag's Matt Reardon delivers an early fall weather update, highlighting the Midwest's challenges with dry conditions that have resulted in alarmingly low river levels. Additionally, he discusses the likelihood of El Nino bringing precipitation during the harvest season.

By |September 12, 2023|

New Grazing Cover Crops Checklist Now Available!

Jennifer Jones, Illinois Soybean Association Research Agronomist, discusses the importance of integrating livestock into cropping systems to enhance soil health. Jones highlights the benefits livestock bring such as nutrient distribution and increased soil organic matter.

By |September 12, 2023|
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