
How Widespread is Group 15 Herbicide Resistance in Illinois Waterhemp Populations?

Illinois soybean farmers face a major challenge as waterhemp weeds have developed resistance to multiple herbicides, including Group 15 herbicides confirmed in 2019. A project funded by the Illinois Soybean Association and led by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign aims to evaluate the prevalence of this resistance and provide farmers with management recommendations.

By |May 28, 2024|

Using Drones for Weed Management

In this GROW Farmer Forum, panelists led a discussion of the current state of drone scouting, mapping and herbicide applications for weed management, as well as the future of the technology. Dr. Steve Li, of Auburn University, served as the moderator, alongside panelist Rick Jordan, of CNY Drone Services.

By |April 26, 2024|

Can Henbit Serve As A Host Away from Soybean?

Illinois Soybean Association Outreach Agronomist, Stephanie Porter, CCA, shares the challenges of winter annual weeds, highlighting henbit and purple deadnettle as alternative hosts of soybean cyst nematode. Research suggests that managing winter annuals in the fall, applying residual herbicides, and removing winter weeds before planting are crucial strategies for management.

By |April 22, 2024|

Integrated Weed Management Maybe the Answer to Herbicide Resistance

Herbicide resistance poses a significant challenge for farmers, prompting the need to explore diverse strategies for weed management. In this episode, Michael Flessner and Karen Corrigan discuss GROW's (Getting Rid of Weeds) comprehensive approach, emphasizing collaboration, research, and outreach for greater diversity of weed control strategies to complement chemical use.

By |March 27, 2024|

Weed Control for Early Planted Soybeans

Dr. Hager's research found the most reliable weed control program for early planted soybeans involves a full rate of PRE plus POST herbicide application, while reducing PRE rates often leads to variable weed control. Delaying PRE herbicide application increases the risk of weed emergence before treatment, highlighting the importance of integrating both PRE and POST applications to minimize weed competition with soybeans and reduce seed return to the soil seedbank.

By |March 19, 2024|

Changes to Dicamba-Containing Products Used in Soybean

On February 6, 2024, a federal court in Arizona vacated the labels of three dicamba-containing products used for in-crop broadleaf weed control in dicamba-resistant soybean varieties. Following the Arizona court ruling, EPA issued an order to allow application of existing stocks of these three dicamba-containing products previously registered for application in dicamba-resistant soybean varieties.

By |February 26, 2024|

The Challenge: Winning Against Weeds

In this Better Beans presentation, Meaghan Anderson highlights how rapidly waterhemp resistance is outpacing herbicide development. She emphasizes the need for custom herbicide programs and for farmers to adopt non-chemical strategies.

By |February 22, 2024|
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