Late season herbicide applications
Under any sort of normal conditions we would have been done spraying herbicides long before July 10. But delayed planting, replanting and a limited [...]
Tall Weeds are Challenging
Options for controlling large weeds in soybeans … Heavy and frequent rainfall throughout the month of June has made timely postemergence weed control in [...]
2015 was the year to put down PREs
This was the year that not using residual herbicide at planting shows. Some farmers got the seed in the ground, but either did not [...]
Weeds and Water
When a spring that started off cold and dry turns warm and wet it becomes challenging to stay ahead of weed infestations. The appearance [...]
ILeVO seed treatment and its use with pre-emerge herbicides
Bayer CropScience introduced this year its new ILeVO® seed treatment for soybeans. ILeVO is the first fungicide that will provide control of Sudden Death [...]
Weeds: Is Your Waterhemp not Going Down?
The University of Illinois Plant Clinic is excited to be providing a new service to Illinois soybean growers. The Clinic is now offering molecular [...]
Weeds: PODCAST: Soil Residual Herbicides for Weed Control
Early infestations of weeds can impact yields by as much as ten percent. Residuals are essential because they lay the foundation for effective weed [...]
Weeds: PODCAST: Controlling Palmer amaranth
Palmer amaranth is becoming more of a problem in many parts of Illinois. In this podcast, Jonathan Perkins, Southern Illinois practical farm research location [...]
Agronomy: PODCAST: Using Sorghum for Weed Control
Planting sorghum can add another control option for managing tough weeds. In this podcast Dan Davidson, research and technical coordinator with ISA, explains why [...]
Weeds: Soil-Applied Residual Herbicide Options for Soybeans
There are many good reasons to use a soil-applied residual herbicide for soybeans. Producers may want to: Get early-season control of weeds and grasses [...]