
Weeds to Watch Out For

It’s time to get up close and personal to know the super weeds invading your fields. “Super weeds” are becoming increasingly more widespread within [...]

By |April 26, 2017|

Knowing the Xtendimax Label

Monsanto hosted a webinar on “Managing the Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System in 2017. Presenters were Chris Kamienski, a Monsanto technology development representative and [...]

By |March 29, 2017|

ILeVO and PPO Interaction

Does ILeVO® have an interaction with soybean pre-emergence herbicides? Yes, there is an increase in phytotoxic symptomology, but there is no impact on stand [...]

By |March 22, 2017|

Why You May Need Balance GT Beans

Why will the Balance™ GT Soybean Performance System be important to the soybean industry and weed management? There are current certainties in weed management. [...]

By |March 10, 2017|
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