Narrow Soybean Rows: How to Manage Both Weeds & White Mold
When it comes to choosing soybean row spacing, some farmers feel torn between opting for narrow rows and better weed control or wider rows and reduced white mold problems; however, it doesn’t have to be an either/or decision.
Seeking Farmer Cooperators for Insect Pest Management Research in Soybeans During 2024
Dr. Nick Seiter, Assistant Professor and Field Crops Entomologist at the University of Illinois, is leading a research project funded by the Illinois Soybean Association to explore the return on investment of insecticide seed treatments and foliar applications in soybean farming.
Chronicles of Red Crown Rot: Part 1
Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) Outreach Agronomist, Stephanie Porter, CCA, recounts a visit to a soybean farm in Pike County plagued by red crown rot for the past five years. She shares historical information on the disease and how the ISA Agronomy team is actively engaging with plant pathologists, consultants, and researchers to explore current research and management strategies for red crown rot.
Advancing Ag Research: Updates from ISA Check-off Funded Projects
Maintaining strong connections with research collaborators is a top priority at the Illinois Soybean Association. In this report, we provide progress updates from four research initiatives carried out in partnership with Southern Illinois University and the University of Illinois.
Grower Groups Cheer Court’s Defense of Science-based Regulation in Chlorpyrifos Ruling
Agricultural organizations are celebrating a victory as the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a ruling that overturned the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) ban on chlorpyrifos, a pesticide used by farmers to protect their crops from pests, allowing agricultural use of the pesticide to continue.
A Silent Threat: The Growing Concern of SCN in Soybean Fields
Soybean cyst nematode remains a critical threat to soybean yields, with populations adapting to the predominant source of resistance. The problem is intensifying and farmers are encouraged to monitor SCN and consider diversified management strategies.
Should I Rely on Residuals? Plus White Mold Concerns, Soil Fertility Recommendations, Harvest Reports, and More
Is the finish in sight? A new podcast episode delivers a harvest and yield report while also discussing white mold concerns, soil testing, and not discounting the use of residual herbicides. Tune in!
Illinois Farmers: Take Advantage of Free Nematode Testing Program
Illinois farmers can now get free testing for soybean cyst nematode (SCN), saving them potentially hundreds of dollars. This initiative, led by the Illinois Soybean Association and the University of Illinois, aims to encourage more farmers to sample their fields to assess SCN populations as this pest has developed resistance over the years.
Sudden Death Syndrome Still Exists
The desire for straightforward answers is common; however, this year, in particular, we've seen how various factors in the field can interconnect and contribute to diseases. ISA Outreach Agronomist & CCA, Stephanie Porter, encourages growers to follow this 10-step process to thoroughly assess situations in your soybean fields.
A Need For Your Seed: SIU Seeks Soybean Samples for Research
The ISA agronomy team, in collaboration with SIU Professor Dr. Ahmad Fakhoury, is seeking soybean samples from various regions in Illinois. This initiative aims to provide valuable insights to farmers by identifying the predominant pathogens and pests affecting soybean production fields. Additionally, it seeks to understand how environmental and geographical factors contribute to their prevalence and distribution.