Navigating the Conservation Funding Space
In the June edition of The Illinois Field & Bean, Megan Miller, the ISA Agronomy Programs Manager, dives into the realm of conservation and its associated funding.
Manage Cover Crops In Your Field With This Tool
As more farmers make the decision to adopt cover crops into their operation, this web-based tool brings the power of demonstration and translation of agricultural research into fields on your farm.
Pop-Up Field Day: Cover Crop Seeding Comparison
If you are in Champaign or nearby, attend a pop-up field day on Wednesday, May 17th featuring a side-by-side comparison of small, autonomous robots that seeded cover crops in a field of standing corn in late summer versus a conventionally planted cover crop seeded in a harvested cornfield in late fall.
Participate In the 2nd Annual FFA Water Testing Challenge
Calling all FFA chapters - join this opportunity to learn about the Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy and the unique challenges faced by agriculture concerning nutrient loss and runoff, as well as conservation practices that can be implemented.
Agronomy Field Notes
Illinois Soybean Association Director of Agronomy, Abigail Peterson, shares photos and information from the field. Read more about field conditions, planting, and cover crop checks across the state of Illinois!
Planting Soybeans “Green”, Pennycress, and Soybean Weed Management
What are the benefits and costs of planting soybeans green? Dr. Mark Bernards of WIU discusses this practice as well as how pennycress might fit into a soybean-corn rotation and soybean weed management lessons learned on the WIU agronomy farm.
Cover Crop Management Strategies in Commodity Crop Systems for Soil Health and Nutrient Retention
Jim Isermann shares his steps to success in cover crop management.
PCM and PepsiCo Partner To Increase Conservation Adoption in Illinois, Kentucky and Nebraska
The partnership focuses on three priority conservation practices; planting cover crops, reducing tillage, and changing nitrogen application rates and timing are the three pillars of PCM’s on-farm conservation work in Illinois, Kentucky, and Nebraska.
Illinois Soybean Assoc. Seeks Request for Proposals
The annual Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) Request for Proposals is open and accepting submissions to conduct work with checkoff funded dollars for fiscal year 2024.
Kickstart of Efforts to Investigate Soil Health, Water Quality, and Climate Footprints Across IL
Jasdeep Singh of the University of Illinois shares a presentation of how a research team is investigating soil health, water quality, and climate footprints across Illinois soybean production systems to provide accurate assessments of potential trade-offs.